Ron Paul Calls for End to Drug War


Well-Known Member
garden i shocked on how someone could talk so negative about someone after watching one video of him. please dont be the typical judgemental person and do more research, maybe ask your self more questions, do some research on the direction, the only way you will understand him is after you educate your self. do you really think he said everything he wanted to say on the air? hes clearly not saying everything he wants to say. do you wonder how he would of answerd the same question if you asked him the same question in private? theres a story for every question asked to him, theres too much to say i think for being on the air with the questions asked he did a great job!
he clearly knows the direction our country is headed, hes even wrote a book! check it out before you start throwing stones.
hes still my president if you asked me,
check out some of my other posts

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
garden i shocked on how someone could talk so negative about someone after watching one video of him. please dont be the typical judgemental person and do more research, maybe ask your self more questions, do some research on the direction, the only way you will understand him is after you educate your self. do you really think he said everything he wanted to say on the air? hes clearly not saying everything he wants to say. do you wonder how he would of answerd the same question if you asked him the same question in private? theres a story for every question asked to him, theres too much to say i think for being on the air with the questions asked he did a great job!
he clearly knows the direction our country is headed, hes even wrote a book! check it out before you start throwing stones.
hes still my president if you asked me,
check out some of my other posts
Ok, thanks for your input.

I did not mean to shock you.
I id not intend to be negative
How did you know that I only watched one video of him?

SO you do agree with me, that he comes across like a total DONKEY in this particular video?

I love donkeys.. just not for president... nothing negative here

Thanks for your perspective... I really hope that I am wrong and that PAU is not a quack.. BUt I was smelling QUACK for awhile now. and NOW I see quack...

gobble gobble..



Well-Known Member
I'll agree with GK slightly. Everything Ron Paul says is true and needs to be done to save this country. However, it is radical and to convince the average 'politically-retarded' American of this he is going to need to get his points across better. He did OK on meet the press. But, I wonder how the average American took it?...Probably closer to GK's reaction than your's Twostar.


Well-Known Member
i think that if he just flat out told everyone that if somthing isnt done soon or the next few years, that america will be dieing for the NAU the people will want it to happen, cause it will get to that point where it will be the only option to keep the empire going, i think he knows that he cant let out the flat truth like that on tv, he will just make himself look like a crazy rebel, i think he wants to keep himself in professional standing with the people and come across as a real canidate, and not someone whos yelling the red coats are comine, when really he can see them coming .i think in this paticular interview, just like the media has always twisted and lied to keep things "undercontrol" he had to almost cover for, pretty much direct questions on things he knows for sure isnt truley just in many ways.
just like how in many places youve worked, were you know managment is up to no good, and where youve been able to call out the very own system in your work place that is up to no good, that it could be better.
i think ron paul has realized the system hes in and is calling them out, not all specificaly but the truth is they all intertwine, all part of one web or chain
he knows about the bosses, bosses, boss
hes trying to get higher in the chain to be able to say hey whats up


Well-Known Member
Dear Garden Knowm and others,

Thirty years ago I took Macro Economics 102 and 202. Most candidates mess their cloths, when they speak stupid shit, that is not known economic fact. Ron Paul did not speak well in this interview because Russert kept interrupting him. He did much better with Glenn Beck, a known attack-dog. But, Beck gave RP a fair shot, for a full hour. Russert did not give him enough time to formulate answers.

What RP says makes macro-economic sense. He is the real deal. None of the other candidates would recognize economics if a stack of text books dropped on their heads.

Many of the founding fathers had just read, and embraced a new book. "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith. Our Constitution was written with that book in mind. Ron Paul is a Constitutionalist that believes laws should make economic sense, and common sense.

For example, one thing he has repeated many times over is to bring home troops from around the world and put them on our borders. There are 30,000 troops in South Korea. Why? Reduce or eliminate troops in 10 foreign countries and you reduce the budget significantly. Take the money saved and pay down the national debt and you reduce the budget significantly. Do this same thing three years in a row and the value of our money goes up, enormously!

That is a simple solution that makes economic sense and common sense. Ron Paul says these sorts of things, all the time. Few people are listening.

He says he wants to eliminate the IRS. But no one listens very carefully. Actually, what he talks about is incrementally reducing parts of wasteful government until the waste disappears. Incrementally, you could replace IRS parts with flat-tax solutions and save money over night. Eventually, the IRS would disappear. You would actually take in more revenues long-run, have less government overhead, reduce private bookkeeping, and move people into jobs that add to the Gross National Product. That is a win-win in every direction.

Go see the Glenn Beck interview before you decide how to vote.
Go see the interview on "The View" before you decide how to vote. (Whoppie Goldberg interviewed better than Tim Russert?)


New Member
GK ...

Did you actually watch the entire interview, or was it a cut & paste job on UTube that you saw?

How you could have come away from the interview with the notion that RP didn't explain how the IRS could be elimintated is beyond me. Didn't you hear him say that if we were to reduce federal spending to the 1998 level, the IRS could be eliminated in its entirety?

RP had concrete answers to each of Russert's questions, EXCEPT when asked about the earmarks he supported for his own district. Remember? He said that the earmarks were just a way to return taxes to those in his district who were taxed. I thought that part was really weak. But, other than that, I thought he did a pretty good job on Russert.



Well-Known Member
Yeah Vi, I saw the whole thing. Go to, and the MTP show, is there.

This was NOT the best interview ever because Russert did not stay on any point for more than a few seconds. But, his ideas were understandable. I have never been negative on Russert; I like the guy. But, it did look like a hatchet attempt to me. If that is the worst that happens to RP, he'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
mockingbird struck right to the core on that one haha
and russert is a alpha asshole. there were too many times were ron paul would laugh and say no actually your wrong, these people pretty much get paid huge and be brodacasted huge to talk shit on people pretty much, whos the ones deciding they should be the ones to speak?


Well-Known Member
mockingbird struck right to the core on that one haha
and russert is a alpha asshole. there were too many times were ron paul would laugh and say no actually your wrong, these people pretty much get paid huge and be brodacasted huge to talk shit on people pretty much, whos the ones deciding they should be the ones to speak?
Thank you.