Rosey's Grow~~check out my plants!


Well-Known Member
Yep Yep!!! Haha Life has been nuts man...just soon to be ex called today to inform me he is moving on so that helped me a lot. My grandkids are doin great, got to go see the animals at the city zoo today.
Mom is doing pretty good right now...God is good man. He is GOOD! :)


Well-Known Member
thanks sis!!!! They were supposed to take pics today but I think they forgot :(
The boy says that they are doing good though :)


Well-Known Member
or should I say...Again? LMFAO
at least he didn't call me
Sissy wanted me to check in on him so I did..he is mad at her right now lol


Well-Known Member
Well I guess Dankie's out for the night...and I'm sleepy...and sis will be kicking me out of the room soon LOL;)
I'm gonna get a shower and see wassup when I get done;)


Well-Known Member
Hahahaa damnit man!!!!

wassup my homies????? Walking Dead still on???? ya'll gotta tell me what its up to so I can watch it with. Got the entire series on my laptop except for this new season coming up!:)