RUI went to shit

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Well-Known Member
So how many think RUI sucks worst than a French whore I have posted 5 threads in the last two months and not one has a reply yet you look at threads called "beat the pussy up" which has 48 replies. No one gives support help thus place just sucks!


Well-Known Member
welll your threads are all on nutes, and that isn't the easiest thing to find on here. You kinda gotta just figure it out on your own when it comes to that.


Well-Known Member
well obviously you dont understand how to write a catchy title that draws people in. I have had maybe 2 out of 100 threads not get a response. Its not RIU fault, its yours. So stop crying...


So how many think RUI sucks worst than a French whore I have posted 5 threads in the last two months and not one has a reply yet you look at threads called "beat the pussy up" which has 48 replies. No one gives support help thus place just sucks!
Is RUI different than RIU? I like RIU (roll it up)

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I just looked at your threads and the reason you get no replies is because your questions are ntoo vague. It is impossible for someone to say what's the best fertilizer schedule and what works for one might not work for others. Your gonna have to experiment with different nutes for yourself and find what suits YOUR needs. Some people grow organically and want to make their own worm castings and others would rather use store bought castings or worm casting tea while others might use miracle grow so you can't really comment on your thread if you want to see what people use why not check out their grow journals?

With things like when should I flower and stuff well it's all personal preferance. You need to determine your plan before you start so you know what your doing. For me my plan was to grow 3 big plants so I topped them leaving like 10 branches so they would fill out. They were all sativas so I figured it would result in wide branchy plants but unfortunately for me most of them look like indicas and don't really look how I intendede but the sativa does and it's just how I wanted it I vegged for 6 weeks. Okay your plants are 3 feet tall, what is YOUR plan it's impossible for me to say yes it'sd time to flower but honestly i think you probably waited too long. Do you have clones or regular seeds everything will determine what's right for you. Technically yes your plants are said to be mature enough to flower when they have altewrnating nodes or they show preflowers and but maybe you want smaller plants or bigger plants so you can flower when you want.

Don't be so quick to say no1 gives advice although I know it sometimes is but people would rather not say anything than give bad advice and people's ?s need to be more indepth or they will not recieve good advice. Lights, nutes, mediums, temperature, ph, humidity.....everything needs to be noted and honestly if you can tell us all those specifics you could probably determine what's off just from that and answer your own ?.


Well-Known Member
ya those questions suck dude.. how the fuck are we suppose to answer that.

Well you could use botanicare... lol, that is a question no one can answer for you. It takes you to understand botani, and understand ur plants needs.... NO ONE CAN HELP WITHOUT A PICTURE!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Your big demands, and impatience are not gonna get you anywhere here, or in life.

You need to do your own research like everyone else.

Be a leader, and not a follower. :wink:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Your big demands, and impatience are not gonna get you anywhere here, or in life.

You need to do your own research like everyone else.

Be a leader, and not a follower. :wink:

ya like whatwas mentiond earier, no one person can say whats the best.. all you can do is go with trial and error.. learn to read what your plants are telling you and you will be a fine grower. good luck


Well-Known Member
Guys true to all of you what you are saying however I just wanted feedback on peoples mixes of what is great combos of nutes not really a question but a statement of interest. Also when I say it went to shit I mean everyone having a real problem seems out of luck also what's a fire thread that I'm using


Well-Known Member
this one got a lot of post!!!! keep them short to the point and add pics i find that helps and dont ask something you can easily google and get the answer in 5 seconds


Well-Known Member
let me just say in closing before i have to go... RIU was created to help growers during the growing process. It is not here for you to skip the legwork that is required (understanding botani). Read. Learn. Understand. Best advice I can give you.


Well-Known Member
let me just say in closing before i have to go... RIU was created to help growers during the growing process. It is not here for you to skip the legwork that is required (understanding botani). Read. Learn. Understand. Best advice I can give you.
You know it my brotha.. you know it. +rep
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