Rules to be waived for border fence


Well-Known Member
haha no i'm not.
light brown? chestnut.. w.e.
but i've had red hair he liked it
buut he says he has a thing for redheads...


New Member
haha no i'm not.
light brown? chestnut.. w.e.
but i've had red hair he liked it
buut he says he has a thing for redheads...
Red hair top and bottom? How hard is it to get those bottom ones colored? Geeze, I'd hate to think I was claming on false pretenses,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Um, wait a minute. NO ONE here has a problem with the "lawmakers" breaking the laws, openly at that??? WTF?
You get what you deserve, I'm cleaning my guns. :evil:

Fence ain't gonna do shit except eat up our tax dollars and placate the masses (consider yourselves placated). A moat full of shit is what the Rio Grande has become, they cross that.

The best way to keep illegals from coming into the country is to keep it on its current course. Keep whoring ourselves out to China and Saudi Arabia, keep letting the mainstream media spoonfeed to you who you're "voting" for, keep allowing voters to be fucked over and their votes not counted, or reported incorrectly, keep allowing our "representatives" to enact laws that are more and more in conflict with The Constitution, and next thing you know we'll be the ones clamoring to get into Mexico.

For fuck's sake.


Well-Known Member
Um, wait a minute. NO ONE here has a problem with the "lawmakers" breaking the laws, openly at that??? WTF?
when there is a conflict in the rights and wishes of the public there is no perfect solution. the people have overwhelmingly expressed their desire to stem the flood of illegal immigrants by the building of sections of fence as a deterrent and it is the duty of government to follow the wishes of the people despite whatever obstacles may be in the way.

of course there is a concern over the government overstepping its bounds, but the strain that illegal immigration is putting on our economy has become a matter of some urgency. to jeopardize the economic and social stability of our society just so a few can flex their constitutional muscle would be an unconscionable breach of government's duty to secure the public welfare. if it were doing any real harm to the parties involved the concerns you express would be justified, but it is more a matter of inconvenience and imagined invasion of privacy than anything else.

Fence ain't gonna do shit except eat up our tax dollars ....
as i stated above, a fence is no more than a deterrent. there is no infallible way to keep people from crossing the border illegally. at best such measures will slow the massive influx and allow our overwhelmed border authorities a chance to make some small dent in this invasion. it is up to the people to decide how their tax dollars are spent and on this matter the people have spoken. between these physical deterrents, enforcement of our immigration laws and sanctions against employers who hire illegals we may be able to at least in part repair a bit of our shattering infrastructure.

in a perfect world we wouldn't need the artificial barriers of national borders, but that's just not the way things are. as long as governments keep on trying to take advantage of one another these boundaries must exist. between equal and friendly neighbors such borders may be lax, but here this is not the case. to our south lies a land of such rampant poverty and corruption that it makes our complaints over our government's actions seem petty by comparison. instead of repairing their system they choose to ship their problems to us and our economy just isn't strong enough to support the weight.


New Member
instead of repairing their system they choose to ship their problems to us and our economy just isn't strong enough to support the weight.

Now, there is an honest statement. They have destroyed the lower class's wages and taken every high school dropouts job. It used to be, if you got fed up with school, you could always get a job in construction. No more. If you dont come from south of the border, no housing construction contractors will hire you, No speaka da englash.



New Member
Med sez ...

"Now, there is an honest statement. They have destroyed the lower class's wages and taken every high school dropouts job. It used to be, if you got fed up with school, you could always get a job in construction. No more. If you dont come from south of the border, no housing construction contractors will hire you, No speaka da englash."

Hola, Mi amigo ... we finally have 100% agreement on something. :hump:
