

Well-Known Member
I always have to take a HUGE shit after a session... I wrote a song about it, it goes like this.....ddaa da da da ddda BIG TurD...dda da da

Ya Like it?


Well-Known Member
I'm probably gonna be getting some within the next week since the loan we've been trying to get up here has gone through.Gonna get some really potent shit and try a hit at a body has a high tolerence for shit but I'm still gonna be a lil careful u kno.


Active Member
It is mad stuff, i don't understand why it's legal when weed isn't. A friend of mine claims that salvia messed his head up and he said for the next few days after he kept having little blackouts, but he's a heavy weed smoker and weeds never done anything to him.


Well-Known Member
Salvia leaves are nasty as hell and don't make me trip.

The extract is so expensive, I doubt I will ever feel like blowing that much money on something so...comment dit-on.... insignificant.


Well-Known Member
I laid down about $20 at a friend of mines house (this was back when I was living in Missouri, where Salvia is a Schedule I drug) and bought a gram of 20x.
Although we used to be friends and that turned into a business relationship (both dealers in hallucinogens), he offered to be my sitter as I smoked about half of it in this huge bowled bong he always kept handy.

It's harder than hell to describe the effects of the diviner's sage. It's trip is so unique. It's no party smoke, I'll tell you that right now. TV will just hurt your ears, as will loud music. That is if the trip doesn't tear you away from this plane of existence. It's almost always, for me, an organic trip. Leaves, ivy, a green goddess, animals, etc. It's like connecting with the world itself.

Anyway, just be safe with it. ALWAYS HAVE A SITTER. You can never know when you're going to breakthrough...HARD. The one weird thing about it is that it's very hard to tell yourself it just the salvia, because for me it usually makes me forget I even consumed it.

For more info, my main suggestion is They're wizards. You can find FAQS, experience reports, etc. on salvia and everything else you can think of.