I cannot prove a negative, you know this, I cannot prove that no one has been arrested or jailed on account of failure to pay, you must present instances where they have. And we have always been talking about income tax. I have stipulated that failure to pay child support or wages is grounds for arrest.
You could if you wanted to. But like me, you're probably not willing to look around for hard-fact evidence. It's really no different than me presenting instances of people who have, if I was able.
I'm pretty sure I never mentioned anywhere that I was solely talking about income taxes. I simply said the broad word of taxes. AKA: If you don't pay your taxes you go to jail - that doesn't mean just income tax, does it? I guess all tax is technically income tax though, when you really look at it.
The zebra thing is a way of demnstrating that you can't pick and chose what you get for your money if it is a package deal. You don't get to decide that you don't like portions of that package deal and claim that you shouldn't have to pay.
Well you see, the main thing is you
chose to go to the zoo. You don't have a
choice in government mandates/taxes - this is why they are called mandates. This is why I told you it was a terrible comparison, and absolutely irrelevant as such. It's simply not a comparison, though I understand what you're trying to say otherwise.
I don't like funding several federal programs but the fact remains that I either fund them all or none of them, and the only real way for me to refuse to fund them all is to not avail myself of ANY services, and the only way I can do that is to take myself and my investments to another country - where it is likely that I will again have to pay toward things I don't think I need.
Again, I understand that you can't just choose to opt out of taxes. Some of the taxes the government implements have an unethical foundation of hypocrisy and ignorance. There will be more taxes like this soon to come. Sure we will likely have to pay all of them that are being further imposed, but to agree without opposition to all and any taxes, is asinine on behalf of this country's people.
No, you didn't ask for security and the bed or the candy, but you get them as a part of the hotel package. Some pay more for less, some get more and pay less. If I get my hotel reservations from Hotels.com and the guy up the hall paid full price, that doesn't mean I owe him anything because I got the better deal.
I received them as part of the package, but I also
chose to purchase that "package" as well. The same way the guy doing the job in the basement for scraps
chose his job at an agreed upon compensation.
Secondly, why would anyone have the thought, that you would owe the guy up the hall for anything? It has absolutely no bearing on what anyone else payed for the same product/service. The company agreed to the deal in both instances. I fail to see how this correlates with anything we have stated previously. Seems like your trying to prove a point on something, but it doesn't pertain to any "point". Fill me in if you wish, because I don't get it.