Just to let everyone know, all the big growers in Cali voted No for legalization. It would destroy the economy.
The problem is plant counts and monopolies. If we do ever go fully legal in the US it will then probably be illegal to grow. Look at Canada that is exactly what they did. Then the government will control massive greenhouses and you'll only be able to buy from them. So they can make sure every damn bud is taxed..
It's a uneasy topic to speak about. Because where it is legal those growers are indeed loving it. But believe me it will not always be like this.
I'm not saying it should be legal or illegal. I'm saying it should be treated as any other crop. Nobody tells you how many tomatoes you can grow.
Believe it or not we almost got this in Texas and it won 5-2 and then the next vote. One guy that was suppose to vote yes, just happen to miss that day.. Unlimited plant counts. The republicans said it was your god given right to grow as you can with any other plant. The cops/government paid him not go..
Texas would have been the largest supplier in the US