Scarholes outdoor 2010 video jounal


Well-Known Member
Sup, this season Im growing Bagseed (my favorite) Ak48, Northern lights, red dwarfs, and auto maira. Im growing indoor for the outdoors & corn fields with a few autos inbetween

This is my first vid an jounrnal ever, I have grown several times, but this is the first in 5+ years.

Ok this first vid is about the (mexi bag seed) Big mama plant witch I plant out doors for the season.

This will show the rabbit cages I use to hide an protect my babies. Ithrow baggies with soap an coffee around the area frighten em away. Im trying to extend watering times to 2 weeks by using Miracal Moistre control, Zeba starch polymer water absorbeing gel an plastic mulch (aka plastic screen) and Xeriscape deep root watering.

Every week or 2 I should have an update. Feel free to coment an ask questions.



Active Member
wow love the como dude this is exacly what i needed! thx alot for sharing this.

the field im growing in is full of that crap too

how long willl it last? or is it already dead? i cant tell with that stuff


Well-Known Member
Sup man, plus rep for being the first to respond!

I bush em out pretty good so if they should get over the top of the cage, but ill super crop em to put em back in place about 2 weeks before the equinox or when they get over it to high. Ill tie fake sunflowers to it later.
The cage is full of dead weeds harvested from the area where water is an they get biggest an then just weaved in the fence. it lasts all year, helps keep em cool, soil moist, deters rabibits an deer, an helps hide em in the fall as well.

I do some different areas as well an ill have more vids up soon.


Well-Known Member
Fuck n rabbits got my first baby! I misunderestimaded em, they are cunning an evil.

They dug under my cage an just ate the roots?

Ill be adding a 2nd cage of chicken wire in the hole before the soil goes in. Then ill wire it to the upper cage.


Well-Known Member

Dam it , the second baby girl is gone now also, rabbits dug under my cage.

First mexi girls were a test run so i cant be to upset. Adapt , impovize an overcome.

My design was good for camo but horrible at any real protection.

Ill be adding a 2ft deep one foot wide cage made of chicken wire in the hole before adding dirt. Then wireing the the upper camo cage to the lower root cage. This will stop rabbits from digging under an in an stop gophers ect.

Ill also pinch my top of my cage shut, a super croping the branches back in, this is hostile territory, an my enemys are many.

Ill make a vid of the secruity upgrades after i put some more plants out soon in the same holes.


Well-Known Member
Silly rabbits. Sorry made me think of the trix commercial. For real man keep it up I'm lovin the vid journal. I like the way ur going with this got me thinking in a whole new light. Stealth is what i'm all about. I am always thinking of how cool it would be to do an outside grow. So get some more out there I'm looking 4ward to watching ur grow. How is the weather? I don't even know if I could pull off somethin like this where i live. It gets pretty hot plus a lot of wind. Well good luck man this is one of the more exciting threads on my sub'd list so keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
it almost got to 90 degrees today, 30 mph wind most days ,hits 60 mph all the time. In the summer its 100+ for 2-3 months.

Water in mid summer will be an issue. Thats why Im going for the moisure control MG , zeba gel to hold water in, mulch to hold it in the ground an deep root watering to prevent evaporation.

But i can Grow one hell of a garden at my house (ate some radishes i grew today)so its possible i just got to fix oversights.

Rodents will pay, found some one bite death rabbit poison today!
The 2nd baby i checked out the soil an it was still moist , 2 weeks with out water... But the heat aint even begun, hope it hold water in as planed.


Well-Known Member
Cool man sounds like we live in same place according to your forecast. Maybe I need to try this I really like your camo idea. If u check my grow you'll c y I wan't to grow outside. It's cool doing a small grow but to see a plant do it's thing with the space it needs would be better.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
sweet grow keep it up lovin the vid idea, an that camo cage is sweet, you gotta get sum more girls out there an video it, youv deffinatly earnt sum + rep


Well-Known Member
Ok put up 2 more vids today, check em out.
the first one is me finding an empty cage (fuck you rabbits), looking at my auto maria, and my AK48.

The second one is me putting another baby outdoors. I installed a root cage to protect em from burrowing rodents.
This time im in a grassy area with no soap ,piss or any odor protection to see if my design is sound.



Well-Known Member
what you could do is to put the vid as a post on riu. all you need to do is copy the link of your youtube vid then paste it on quick reply after the = sign you put youtube in brackets[utube] then at the end of the letter from your link you put [/utube] but spell youtube the right way or else it wont work so it should look like this[youtube ]dNPutL0ZSHQ[/youtube ] but make sure theirs no space in between the link or in youtube


Well-Known Member
WTF is up with all the tornados yesterday?
Oh well im on a mission from god, am mama nature is on my side this year

Wooo hoo I fianaly found some thing to scare off rodents, the garden section was about usless here.
But the hunting section was better! I bought some sent block for deer hunters made with Fox urine.
Its local an cheep.
Ill be squirting it in baggies with some cotton in it an punching a few holes in it to time relase it.

Put another baby out but havent got the footage to utube yet.