Scarholes outdoor 2010 video jounal


Well-Known Member
I found some super small fence at the store wooo hoooo! About 1/4 in square, hopefully its small enough. I will make the cage in 2 pieces so i can extend it up wards as needed.

Also, the deer/rabbit away may have worked. last week i sprayed one of my 3 transplants with it. this is the only one that lived. So i will be putting out a scacraficial plant to see if this spray will stop em in my most dangerouse spot (deerspot) were my losses heve been 100% in under a week.

A clone will be put out in the same spot to try my new cage design.

Ill have footage up asap.

Good luck growers.



Well-Known Member
Ok heres some footage for yall...


Well-Known Member
How many plants do u have? Your getting alot of rodents baked. I know ur about to get figured out though. I can't wait to see how well they do once left alone. I didn't know MJ has so many predators. Good luck man we all want to see you succeed!


Well-Known Member
I still got about 20 young clones left an i will experiment with most, an flower the mamas indoor. I need to get some new footage of the growbox up.
I only got the NL an AK48 mamas, flowering , One super dank mexi bagseed clone (small)flowering also. And about 20 clones left for field tests.

As long as i figure out a method for growing for next year I will be happy with one plant making it.
But I Dream of large plants, lol.

Remember with no plan there can be no attack!
With no attack there can be no victory!

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
try landmines thay should work lol an maybe heat sensative machine guns

iv really got my fingers crossd that you find a way to make this work youv put a lot of effort into it an deserve sum good luck


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the latest video.
Me looking around the grow box at the Nl an AK mamas,an there clones.
And checking out my plants i put out.
All 3 survived the week (one clone has made it 2!)

Only one of my plants is in the 1/4in cage. The rest are in the regular unsafe cages.
So i believe that the deer/ rabbit away works!

Its called BIODEFEND Deer/Rabbit Repellant.

Thanks for the link veggie, i think thats the same brand i bought just in a concenterate you can mix up, Ill be ordering some more of it


Good luck growers!


Well-Known Member
My lower leafs have been drooping on my AK NL mamas?

I cut the water off tell they got good an dryish, now im giving em half rations cause they dont need near as much on 12/12.
Im flowering em in coleman coolers for ice/beer, they seal well, a its very humid in there an thres no circulation.

I wonder if the yeast co2 bottles woud help em breath? Im kinda scared ill try an vent em an let light in an make hermies.
Iwas thinking i should crack em bit an cover up lid wth a bath towel an a tarp under my house.

But........... i think ill try the co2 first to see if it helps, cause sealed in there with high c02 levels flower growth would be increased.

Out doors is still Great no losses, i lightend up the camo a bit to allow more light.

I need to make a vid of my cage construction from start to finish for yall, an get couple more outdoors!


Well-Known Member
Im going to put up my first vid from early April



Well-Known Member
RIP Dennis Hopper,
I just watched "Blue velvet" last week, that film is epic!
Easy Rider helped change a generation, simply by showing dennis an Peter fonda smoking a joint an being free!
He was a ninja
But no biggie, ill smoke him up on the other side someday.


Well-Known Member
Well folks i put out another 2 ak48s, one went into an empty cage i had set up.
And the other was started in the cornfields as a field test.

I put her in a field that had NO WEEDS, hoping that they use pre emergent weed controll an not post emergent Roundup.
They usually spray round up berfore the 8th leaf (mid june-early july) an thats it for weed controll.

There can be no cages in the cornfield, so ill hope like hell the Deer/Rabbit repellant keeps working.

Also im using the Zeba gel under her to keep the soil moist, it seemed kinda dry for a corn field?


Well-Known Member
WOO HOOO its been a productive weekend.
I put out 3 girls in cages an one in the cornfield.
No losses in awhile, so im up to 8 outdoor total.

I put my diy yeast co2 generator in my colman cooler dark chamber with my ladies today. But i was stoned an in a rush to get out in the fields and put the lid on it.?!?!?
Needless to say it BLEW UP. Smelled like a brewerey, the force cracked my plasti pots an nocked off some leafs! The plant got hosed off an appear to be fine.

I filmed step by step how i make the cages an put em out today. The next vid will be for you Ludicum. It will be up in a day or so.


Well-Known Member
Well heres my step by step video of how i make my camo cages an put my ladies outdoor.

Hope it helps some of you growers.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the Attitude seed banks sale this weekend?

They give you 7 free fem seeds, all are good
wappa, warlock, icecream, sour cream, cronic!! sensi star , an motovation.


Ill get a pack of lowryder dawrf mix to breed for seeds for a wheat field grow next spring!!!

Edit : They also give you the usual 2 ufos, sharksbreth an rock lock also, for a total of 9 free fem seeds!!!


Well-Known Member
Well heres an update for yall, all my 8 outdoor ladies are still alive an doing ok.
I bought som 6-54-6 schults fertilizer for the flowering of the ladies.
And ill prolly but out several more in a different corn field this weekend.
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Well-Known Member
thats the best way to keep burrowers out. Dig deep and line with fencing. By the way i love your camo skills, done like a pro.