Schuylaar's Sesh - SCOTUS Upholds Public Prayer..

of course, because no one has the right to cause harm to others.

my right to swing my fist ends at your face. are you arguing that i should be allowed to punch you in the face with my fist, thereby shattering the old, decrepit, flimsy bones left underneath your wrinkly, sagging, old man skin?

or are you arguing to take away my right to determine how i will use my property?

You can swing your fists all you want on your property, but please first clean the man poo from them. Swinging your fists on my property would be cause for me asking you politely to leave. You do seem to have a high disregard for other peoples property, so hopefully you would comply and I wouldn't have to embarrass you or anything there killer.

You sound angry too. Perhaps the gerbils claws need a trim?

Anyhow, your understanding of what private property is and is not would be wonderful to hear. So how about telling me what you consider private property and why?
until you show me one single historian ever anywhere who claims that denial of service to blacks did not cause harm, my assertion stands.
Does the historian have to pass the 'super secret bucky referendum on viable authority' first? Because I am sure I could find one somewhere, but since I don't really have a dog in this show and am only in the stands booing at your ugly ass mutt, I don't really care to do any research.
Assuming for a second that this isn't the very behavior that got you fired from Subway, how does a discussion like that start?

No fellow white person, don't eat the semen butter. Guess what I started doing to the butter today?

Do you still eat there? How do you know your friends quirks don't extend to other areas of the menu?

Which butter do you prefer?
I didn't get fired from subway. And I've never put anything bad in anyone's food.

This guy owns a local pub type place. I've known the family for years. I was good friends with this guy's son in high school.

We would always go there for free burgers and stuff. My buddy and I would just go in the back, make our own shit.

One day I grabbed a tub of butter out of the cooler to grill some bread with. My buddy said not to use it. I asked why, he said just don't. Told me to never eat the butter in the brown bowl.

I said ok. But I kept wondering why. Much later on we were drinking one night and I brought it up. He said his family has owned a restaurant for over 70 years. And his grandfather didn't like serving minorities.

I've never held this level of racism. But it was beneath them to provide services to black folks, he said, black folks should serve white folks.

So since then black people get special butter. It is melted, semen or piss is added, poured into a brown bowl and only given to black folks.
racists say a lot of things to save face. he is still calling racist hostilities that cause harm to others a "RIGHT".

just let me know when i have the right to harm you, i'll be right over.

Nobody has a right to cause harm or as I like to say "initiate aggression". Everybody has a right to defend themselves or their justly acquired property. Do you lift lots of internet weights, cuz you sure are "internet jacked".

You believe that it is acceptable for some people to tell others how they must use their property. That is clear and undeniable. I do not.

Your race card is overdrawn and frankly ridiculous when aimed at me. It speaks volumes about your inability to mount a coherent argument. I'm gonna go hide under the bed and cry now, because I know you're coming to give me a beat down and I'm terribly afraid.
go ahead then.

stop writing checks with your cocksucker that your diminutive mental faculties can't cash.
Your dog sucks.

My mouth was never involved in any of these posts, I assure you. Well unless you thought was a octopus or something, then that statement would make sense.
go ahead then.

stop writing checks with your cocksucker that your diminutive mental faculties can't cash.

So...that's your definition of what private property is Meathead?

You're not going to make the gerbil wear the Gloria wig again tonite are you?
Your race card is overdrawn and frankly ridiculous when aimed at me.

you silly old racist.

When is it, in your estimation, permissible to disagree with the Mulatto President and not be a racist?

Is it possible some people wouldn't want this erm "free healthcare" if it weren't championed by a mulatto and that race has nothing to do with it?

Is the fact that Obama is mulatto supposed to keep him from being criticized?

repeated racial slurs aside, you consider civil rights to be "special rights". gee, never heard that term before.

For the record. I don't think anybody should have special rights that allow them to control another person or their justly acquired property.

sounds an awful lot like he's defending white separatism too.

I said ALL people should have the same rights and none should have special rights that force others to associate with them.

"special rights" is a favorite term of the bigoted and racist crowd.
So still no consensus then? Sorry you failed, try not too feel too bad by projecting.



you just focus on finding ~Q, aka the historian who will agree with you and robby that denial of service caused no harm.

until then, keep your historical revisionism and denialism where it belongs: lodged firmly in your sphincter.


you just focus on finding ~Q, aka the historian who will agree with you and robby that denial of service caused no harm.

until then, keep your historical revisionism and denialism where it belongs: lodged firmly in your sphincter.
Still grasping I see. Don't forget that the majority of wealthy people got that way by exploiting blacks.
you said you could find the historian, but you can't. thus i'm grasping?

Actually I said I have no dog in this show and wouldn't be compelled to look up anything, but of course you only read what you want to read and the rest is cast out. You have made the claim that no historian has ever made the claim that denial of service did not hurt blacks, so now you have to prove that, it is not my duty to disprove your claims, it is your duty to prove them.
Actually I said I have no dog in this show and wouldn't be compelled to look up anything, but of course you only read what you want to read and the rest is cast out. You have made the claim that no historian has ever made the claim that denial of service did not hurt blacks, so now you have to prove that, it is not my duty to disprove your claims, it is your duty to prove them.

i'm proving it in every single post that you make where you don't name the historian. it's called proof by contrapositive, and all you need is one single example to make a liar out of me.

but again, historians are not retarded, so no historian exists who claims that denial of service did not hurt blacks.
I'm trying not to use the Wendy's Uncle Buck crap episode too much. If you'd like, I could switch to Doer rock killed squirrels but that has no luster since Doer is mad at me and hey wait a minute....

...You never complimented me on pointing out to you that "force" is the similarity in both the forced religious crap and the forced healthcare insurance purchase. I think you avoided that one and went right for the gerbil because it was a distraction. You're pretty tricky aren't you?

i've learned from the best:mrgreen:
There is only the Current Understanding of a Big Bang. Since it is a mental exercise to follow the math. yet math can follow the tortured logic of man as easily as the rest, we got religious math to say BIG BANG.

There are other more simple quantum models, but Heisenberg proved to Eisenstein, quite formally, in 1921, that the human mind cannot think in probability waves. We cannot inagine the dual natural of particles, therefore we cannot imagine an atom.

The much more simple quantum models are only simple in math.

They are impossible to visualize. So, just like we are stuck since the '20 with spinning electrons, and empty "space" around a core for the the visual of an atom, we are stuck with Big Bang for the superstitions Math Logic of humans view of the Universe.

The Universe made God, by making us, not the other way around, The Universe may be just a pimple on the hide of Satan for all we know.

ahhhhh, heisenberg..he had a damn good show..still miss jesse..yo, bitch!
