Screwed up big time!

I am growing Texadela Timewarp seedlings that i have just ordered off the internet. I had 20 of 22 germinated within 48 hours and proceeded to put them in peat cups. they have been in the peat cups for 5 days now and not one sprouter. so i cut open the peat cups to put the seeds in real soil...when i cut them open they had barely shown any growth at all except a couple of them which had about a quarter inch white tail..those white tails broke off during the surgery. Im new to this but need to know...Did i fuck everything up, or what????????


Well-Known Member
How deep and I'd say yes. but just roll wil it and see what happenes. keep em warm.

Kb's seeds

Active Member
well the ones that u broke the root tip off i wouldnt count on them to pop, but u still have a chance with the others, keep the area warm and the soil moist, dont overwater just keep it nice and moist til the seedling sprouts thru


Well-Known Member
I been growing far many years and not too long ago I had a pack of seeds that did the same thing. I never had this happen before,I did everything in my power to get the seeds to finish germinating but they never did.
I know how to start seeds. I have 4 other strains growing right now, this texadela timewarp strain is the only one that has ever givin me problems.. Thanx for all the input, im gunna have to try again with this strain...but i will never use peat cups again...I think i may have put them a lil too deep in the peat cups, It IS a shame, but also a hard lesson learned. ROCKWOOL ALL THE WAY from here on out

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
That's too bad man. I've grown timewarp from seeds and clones. True timewarp is only available in clone form. I always had trouble starting the seeds in the normal fashion.. I found if I put my peat pots outside in the sun then they would sprout. I guess some strains just like the outdoors. One thing that took my a long time to deal with was the fact that NOTHING GOOD CAN COME OF DIGGING AROUND TO CHECK ON A SEED! Even now, I still find the temptation to do so to be irresistable at times. The plain truth is it's either gonna sprout or it's not. It's up to you to figure out how to facillitate that. Yeah Timewarp! Fu(kin classic brother.
Right on brother thanx for the info. Im going to try again and this time ima use rockwool and not bury them too far and i will put them outside like you said...or beside my 400w metal halide

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Most common mistake new growers make when germing seeds is keeping the medium too wet. It only need to be moist. Excess water can cause the germ to rot...

Kb's seeds

Active Member
idk why folks use rockwool or peat cubes to start seeds, just germinate them until u see the little white root start to pop out and put them in sum happy frog potting soil, i always use my fingernail to measure how deep the hole i made for the seed is and never plant them deeper than that, ive never had a problem starting seeds this way, leave the cubes for the clones and start ur seeds in soil the way nature intended
will do, i just got some more of the same stain and im going to do just soil no peat cups or rockwool...question tho...i herd something about putting seeds in the freezer first? anything on that? lol and how long should i let the tapoot show befoe putting them in soil....I have grown before but never had what happened to the last ones happen so i wanna be careful this time


Well-Known Member
Seeds are kept in the fridge usually.Mine are always. It helps them stay female (feminised) and of course stay fresh. Freezing may be a bit much.