sealed 4x4 room 1000w

For me it will take alot of stress of temps, odor and security off of me. I am setting up 2 4x4 sealed rooms and if my chiller works out good than it wont really run that much to maintain temps with a 30 gal rez.

If I run it open I still have to run blowers, dehumidifier, maintain a lower temp and provide fresh air, to me that takes alot of effort, electricity and is a pain in the ass to keep dialed in when the seasons change. Once you get a sealed room dialed in the environment never changes unless you want it to and you can put all the effort into growing. Just my opinion and its also difficult when working with a budget. By adding Co2 should increase productivity and outweigh the additional cost of electricity if your looking to increase yield.
My current setup actually works better in the summertime because I run a 4" duct off of my house air conditioner to cool my rooms but in the winter time my room gets hotter because the furnaces are running and heating up my area. So I have to use my portable a/c to keep temps in check in the winter. My rooms are located in the utility room in the basement with no access to fresh air or exhaust so I circulate air through basement with 2 carbon filters. It works good accept the last few weeks of flower their is always a hint of smell. I think my hot water heater keeps enough co2 built up in their because I havent had any problems not providing fresh air.

Its always stressful when I have family and friends over not knowing if they can smell something I cant since I am used to it. Thats why I am willing to spend the extra money on a few more uprgrades and little higher electric bill to seal my rooms. Its going to be a challenge to set up properly but Im confident I will be happy I did it. Just have to start small and slowly add on as my budget allows. I had to drop all my savings into buying this new house so I am strapped for cash for a few months and need to be careful not to spend money on gear not needed for initial start up. My bro says he can build the room to have a fake wall in a closet so know one will even know the room exist so will see how that goes.

When I get started I will stay on top of documenting and pictures for this thread so maybe others can get something out of it. There just isnt many threads that do a start to finish sealed grow room build on here and maybe you all can help me get things dialed in along the way. I have my dwc system dialed in so it will be mostly environmental isssues to work through.