Second Grow 150w HPS

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
ive been saving the autos! im doing the same thing,im gonna start them a little before others and flower and veg at same time.but that will be in sept. when i start my cabinet again.


Active Member
I'm sure you'll be pleased with them, just be wary of the flowering time doing that. Mine went for around 12 weeks from seed I think, breeder advertised 10 but the blue spectrum throughout most of their life slowed it way down.


Active Member
Yeah for the autos, sorry should've said that. When I did the autos they were flowering for at least 6 weeks under 5000k cfls before they got switched to 2700k lights and actually were able to flower fully. If I'd switched the lights a lot earlier like I should have they probably would've finished at least two weeks earlier.


Active Member
Yeah, it was my own fault though. In good soil with hid lighting they probably would've been 9-10 week from seed so not too long.


Active Member
So I watered with nutes the other day, wasn't thinking and gave them full strength veg when last time had been only 1/3. Needless to say I burned a few of them and they now have the claw. Only the biggest one, the one that started off mutant looking, and the twins had no problem with the high nitrogen levels. When I repot them on Sunday going to flush with straight tap water pH 7.0 to get the levels down a bit. I'll upload pics when I transplant them.

Edit: Will be transplanting and getting pics tomorrow, landlord is coming by on Sunday so gotta do it before then. Plan is to run lights the entire night before and off-set the dark period to the day, then switch it back on Wednesday after county inspection of the property. Hopefully changing the lights like this won't mess with them too much. Think I'll be switching to 12/12 the week after that so should be fine. After they've all shown sex males will be killed and females moved up to 10" pots.


Active Member
Ended up not having enough soil when I wanted to repot so some of them had to wait a few extra days. They are still growing slower than I'd hoped and am going to wait another week or two while they recover from the nutrient burn the other week. It got worse before it got better but all recent growth looks perfectly healthy.

Did a heavy round of LST today on the ones that showed the most damage from the nute burn. The runt, twins, and one other showing the same pheno were left without any training. Debating whether or not to top those ones, they are the most compact and healthy looking, with little nute burn. Pics soon.

Edit: Also, I gave two of the plants to a friend, it was a bit too crowded for my tastes having 10 pots in that space. With 8 it all fits much more nicely, hopefully I'll still end up with 4 females, if not then oh well.


Active Member
Pics finally:
All 8 together after LST on 5 of them.

One of the plants I tied down. Over the next week I'll begin to tie them around the rims of the pots.

The phenotype I prefer, going to try to select for this trait next round of breeding.

The twins, doing very well, should be interesting in flower.

The tops have all righted themselves a few hours after training.

I have a good bit of vertical room left so shouldn't have any problems with that in flower.


Active Member
It should be, the area I'm working with now is about 20x24 so I'm planning to just use 4 10" square pots. The 150 gives about 12" of penetration at 6" above the tops, so using LST to keep the plants to 8-10" across and 1.5 feet or less in height I should be fine. I figure that starting 12:12 next weekend they should be fine. If nothing else I can either let them get a bit taller and add some cfls or I can cut it back to 3 plants.


Active Member

Honestly i wouldnt start 12/12 yet.
im halfway through flowering on my first grow, not enough vert room and i switched to 12/12, but its only now i realised had i left them alone for even a week they would have had double the number of bud sites.
if you flip to 12/12 now nothing will happen, your plants still need to be mature. continue to grow them out man, honestly, my plants didnt even stretch that much when i flipped


Active Member
Yeah, I'm gonna see where they're at by the weekend and if they aren't the size I want I'll let them keep growing before the switch. Last grow the mother I used didn't stretch too bad either, so giving them an extra week beyond when I'd first want to switch may be a good plan. Might go grab a new bulb next weekend as well, this one is going on 6 months use at the end of the month. Do you have a link to your grow?


Active Member
skip to the end go back 5 pages and start from there

2 killing fields 1 ko kush 1 jackberry and 3 heribei who are babies now all by sannie


Active Member
Looking awesome bro!!
Thanks man, I'm waiting to see your yield with the blackstar before I purchase an LED. Would you say you're happy with it so far? It's obviously giving you killer growth and buds so not sure if I'll go with one of them or try Kessil's new light once it's in stock again.


Active Member
Just installed inline fan and carbon filter since they were already starting to smell a bit. Last time smell wasn't too much of a concern for me, but this round I'm being a bit more cautious.