Seedlings help


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I think I might have over watered my seedlings. The lights were 3 feet away, but I raised them a few inches. The light is a 400W MH. The PPM reads around 450. I splashed some water on the rock wool :o. Splashed a bunch before it came up.

The seeds came up about 30 hours ago. The tips of one or two is kinda brownish yellow, simular to the rockwool color. And one seed, the first one to sprout didn't open its leaves all the way (maybe it will when I wake up and be better than the rest?) it looks like it still has a little piece of the shell on it.

What's this brown/yellow like color mean? On one, on the end part of a leaf, it covers about half of that little leaf.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
You really shouldnt give them any nutes at this point. Maybe 100ppm at most. Let the rockwool dry out until its light. You should be able to feel the weight of the water.


Well-Known Member
How come so many guides say things different from others dramatically?

Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos

Says Young, established seedlings or rooted cuttings are started at 500-600ppm.

Then others say to keep it around 100ppm. Every guide I look at is different and I've read so many. It feels like I can't find any accurate information because it's so mixed. I guess a little has to do with the strains because there are so many.

If anything, could someone tell me what the PPM should be around for a plant that's an inch long, 1.5 inches, etc? Until I find out for myself, I'm very confused and frustrated.

I have a very low income and these seeds aren't cheap >.<. All I want to do is get stoned free of charge, laced, etc!


Well-Known Member
ah it went down to around 300ppm or so

man i really need to get a usb cord for this digital camera. if there were pictures, it would be a lot easier to determine ;)


Well-Known Member
When you said 100PPM, do you mean add 100ppm to the tap water or total?

my tap water is 150ppm without nutes


Well-Known Member
ok im just paranoid, so no more than 100 added nutes, answered my own question.

people say you know your stuff, sorry