Seedlings streching


New Member
Hi guys,
Its my first time growing and I need a little help. I have 4 white widow growing under 600w MH lamp. My lamp has cool tube with a 200 cfm exaust system in it that keeps it very cool even when I touch the glass.

I kept my seedling (about 1 week old) about 3 feet from lamp and I noticed some streching (see picture) so I moved them about 15 inches from the lamp. The temp at the top of the plants is between 20-24 C. Should I move them further or leave them like that?

Thanks for the awnsers in advance, happy growin boys.



Well-Known Member
Lower that light a bit at a time to allow them to harden to the light. They can take it. I do all mine under 400-watt MH the day I take them from peat cups.

k double

Well-Known Member
They look fine?
exactly... They will stretch a bit. Yo can lower the light but unless its not an efficient bulb in regards to lumens not really sure that will help at this stage. Give em time to grow, they will fill out... also make sure its not too cold
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New Member
Alright thanks for the quick tips! Maybe im just paranoid cause their only growing upwards and not making new leaves i'll give them some time to grow


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks for the quick tips! Maybe im just paranoid cause their only growing upwards and not making new leaves i'll give them some time to grow
They will have some type of vertical growth throughout the entire plants life. As long as your stem isnt stretching to the point of falling flat its fine. The diameter of the stem alone looks fine. That shit will get flat if it stretches.

Terry is correct also, using a cfl above a clear cup aint so bad but a fucking metal halide and clear cup is a bad combo lol.


Staff member
i mean they look fine

i wanna be nit picky and tell you to go buy some real gardening pots as clear dixie cups arent really suitable for root structure systems.

but their baby plants, i mean dont get paranoid now or youre gunna be dying by the end of their life