selling wet weed


Active Member
At $10/ gram, that's about half of what a lot of people pay per gram if they were to buy a dry cured 1/8.
Dry, you figure you will have 1/3 the weight, so basically your price is still high, not to mention they have to do all the work.
Who are you selling to that you are selling grams?
The smallest I know of real smokers buying is an 1/8, so I would think you'd take your normal 1/8 price and 1/3 it at least, maybe more.
Maybe thia is where people are confused ..she's not buying grams. Ita around 85 grams wet


Well-Known Member
i was in northern cali in 1973 when i bought my first sinsemilla. it weighed 2 oz when i bought it. a few days later, i'd only smoked a little bit of it, but it was much lighter. for the longest time i thought my room mate took some. years later when i started growing and learning about drying etc., a lightbulb went off and i realized that the pretty wet sinsemilla i bought simply dried out.

i'm very happy i didn't accuse him of taking any.


Active Member
where i come from it costs £10 for a gram of dry bud. you will basically be selling 0.25/0.35 grams for the 10 bucks by the time it drys.
it sells for 25 euro a gram dry ware i am
if you tried to give some one wet weed they would smack you for sure


Well-Known Member
not saying you should sell it...


if you're gonna do it dont sell wet mj. show some self control and spend at least enough time to dry the bud.

Selling it wet doesnt benefit you nor the buyer. someone is gonna get shorted on every deal (you or them). either you'll give them too much or too little

so if you think this is a slick way to screw you buyers beware you too can get the short end of the stick. its like playing russian roulette because you have no idea much it will be when dried and cured. there are guidelines to how much weight is lost when dried/cured but that doesnt mean anything. its just guidelines.

you know?

besides...ethically/morally i dont think its the right way to do it. you can easily wind up pissing off the wrong buyer and find yourself in a ditch. best to just wait and then both the buyer and seller know exactly what they are getting so everyone is pleased.


Well-Known Member
i knew a supplier that always wanted wet weed for some obscure fuckin reason. he would pay £100 an oz for it and if it was too dry he would spray it with water to re-hydrate it. dunno why he did it, didnt care either £100 is a good fuckin deal for fresh chopped weed. strange but true. this business attracts weird fuckers


Well-Known Member
Id buy a few grams of wet to practice drying and curing before my main harvest comes in. ..Just like I practice Lst, mainline, scrog and beating the living shit out of bagseed before I started a round of highgrade.


Well-Known Member
what if you get a call from some chick in the middle of the night and you tell her its not ready and its still wet and she says she doesn't care and she knows how good it is lol what is one to do?


Well-Known Member
Selling wet weed is a common practice around here, like the cheap stuff that's on demand on the spots (no legal or medical shit here) is always wet. I don't get all the fuss ya'll making here.