sending out an s.o.s..............

i have a quick important question, can i go to my local home depot and buy liquid mircle grow or any liquid plant food for my hydro set up to get nutes, instead of waiting forever for flora to get here in the mail...:peace::peace::peace::peace:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I think i read that humans can be deadly to cannabis plants. Anything can be bad for your plants if not done properly.


Active Member
Ive been told that MG is no good for hydro setups, and Home Depot and Lowes around here dont have hydro specific nutrients. I get mine from a local hydroponic store. I stocked up this weekend since they were having a 25% off sale :D Between all the hippies, and the medical MJ program, they are all over the place around here.
way to be a smart ass tip top toker i heard mg is not good for cannibas, but i dont have a hydro store in my area thats why im asking can i go to the local lawn and garden store and get like a liquid quick start and it have enough nutes for my cannibas, i havent put anything in the water yet and flora wont get shipped for another three weeks.. so i kind of need to do something now you know.


Active Member
wow, 3 weeks? My only other suggestion would be to make a trip to the nearest hydro store, or find a better/different retailer to order from with better shipping or stock. Or spring for expedited shipping.


Active Member
way to be a smart ass tip top toker i heard mg is not good for cannibas, but i dont have a hydro store in my area thats why im asking can i go to the local lawn and garden store and get like a liquid quick start and it have enough nutes for my cannibas, i havent put anything in the water yet and flora wont get shipped for another three weeks.. so i kind of need to do something now you know.
order it yourself online... please dont use MG. your plant will not like you.
well what about a quick start liquid plant food for now.. its just the leafs are turning yellowish and i know it because i havvent nuted the water yet. but i ordered the flora and i called to see were it is and they said its going to be two to three weeks before i receive the package..


Well-Known Member
Yes you can use MG (lots of MG haters here) it's just not the best but for a week or so it's fine. IMHO I would go get some composted sheep or cattle manuar and put about 1 inch on top and work it in a little than water. That will keep them going. No smell.

It's all good. Peace

TIPTOP is right, all you need to do is search the forums.


New Member
i been using shultz african violet liq plant food 8-14-9 in my dwc for flower and while im sure its not the best i have favorable results