Seven Sisters


Well-Known Member
How do you like those [air] manifolds for use with irrigation. I found several in a tote the other day, hah.
Do you have to do much evening out of the flow, or are they pretty much all fully open and more or less even?

They work great. Dual purpose.

Usually i can run valves fully open. But some do get adjusted if/as needed. 2gal and larger get dual feed lines.


Well-Known Member
Was reading a few posts of people dimming lights at some point during flower to keep the leaves from getting burnt up I guess. Was wondering if you go full power till chop.

Also, when are we supposed to come over for samples?


Well-Known Member
Was reading a few posts of people dimming lights at some point during flower to keep the leaves from getting burnt up I guess. Was wondering if you go full power till chop.

Also, when are we supposed to come over for samples?
High as they could go...Lights were too close this run. Upper leaf taco and foxtailing as a result.
No space to raise the lights a foot or so during the last 2 weeks.

Samples available in Norcal. Meet and Reek!


Well-Known Member
Hey Flat. It's strange not having a single living plant! All grow operations shutdown so I can vacation.
Other news...Had my eyes zapped ala Lasik surgery. 60th birthday gift to self. Distance vision is virtually perfect. Still need reading glasses. 5k. Worth every penny.
(Not recommending, just happy with my new eyes)
I am glad that your vacation can now start, awesome work my man! Congrats on the new eyes too, I have thought about doing also over the years. I been wearing some form of corrective lenses since 1st grade, now 43 and can tell bifocals are in my near future. Nice stash too!


Well-Known Member
Was wondering what other products you use besides the NPK fertilizers. Anything for reservoir, microbial innoculants, etc?


Well-Known Member
Was wondering what other products you use besides the NPK fertilizers. Anything for reservoir, microbial innoculants, etc?
Garden friendly fungicide.

Greenleaf Sweet Candy

Would like to do a run with Jacks in the future, only changing npk ratios thru flowering stages. No other products.