Sexing Before Flower?

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
Someone was telling me that they can sex a plant before flowering. Everything that I have read states that you can't determine for a few weeks into flowering.

Whats the deal?

I recently seen a plant that was 5 weeks vegging, and it was showing large groupings of small balls at each node above the 3rd node.

Is there such thing as early sex detection?


Well-Known Member
you can tell fine.i always sex in 18/6

in fact a mother plant should never be put in 12 /12

you will see the white hair or balls


Well-Known Member
i have vegged for 10 weeks and around the 8th to 9th week (of vegg) i started seeing the white hairs

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
Are you saying that, yes indeed you can tell the difference between a male and female before you flower it, if it has been vegging for a long period of time?

If you were to see large amounts of ball clusters on the main nodes on a plant that has been vegging in 18/6, would you call it a male before you begin flowering?


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that, yes indeed you can tell the difference between a male and female before you flower it, if it has been vegging for a long period of time?

If you were to see large amounts of ball clusters on the main nodes on a plant that has been vegging in 18/6, would you call it a male before you begin flowering?

Many plants will show sex before they flower, thats when you know they have hit maturity and can be flowered out. Every plant I have grown has eventually shown its sex before I put it into 12/12.

Usually the females show first, small slender white hairs come out in pairs out of the calyx. Its very easy once you know what to look for.

If I saw lots of balls in clusters like grapes then it must be a male and needs to be pulled.

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
Many plants will show sex before they flower, thats when you know they have hit maturity and can be flowered out. Every plant I have grown has eventually shown its sex before I put it into 12/12.

Usually the females show first, small slender white hairs come out in pairs out of the calyx. Its very easy once you know what to look for.

If I saw lots of balls in clusters like grapes then it must be a male and needs to be pulled.
Is this a Male? Vegging for 5 Weeks



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Someone was telling me that they can sex a plant before flowering. Everything that I have read states that you can't determine for a few weeks into flowering.

Whats the deal?

I recently seen a plant that was 5 weeks vegging, and it was showing large groupings of small balls at each node above the 3rd node.

Is there such thing as early sex detection?
here's a couple things to keep your eyes on.not saying its guaranteed.


Well-Known Member
Most def..see theres guys that flower from seed or clone..fine and all but thier sacrificing potential yields...and other maturation proccess within the plant im sure. if u do this is might just be a high # plant grow like a sog or something..but lets stick on topic..a plant grown from seed with a light schedule of 18.6 20.4 or continuous...will reach maturity a certain time usually 6-8weeks with most strains ive grown. the maturity is evident from several key will start to see calayx's forming, and pistals..balls sacks..the plant will have the apropriate alternative side branching. It has now reached maturity and is ready to flower with maximum potential. this all happens be4 the switch to 12 12 if you are patient and veg for an appropriate amount of time. If you flower early by switching your will be able to tell the future before you dedicate this much time to a male plant..take cuttings off a side branch on each plant in question , put the cutting in a cup of water..and put it in a cabinet in the dark..change water will start to flower w/out roots. label ea cutting and which plant it came from. this way u can root out males be4 you normally would be able to