Sexing Help Needed


Active Member
So I recently have one plant that was thriving and when I put it into flower I came to notice that it was a male. All my work pointless. So know I have two plants, about 3 weeks old. I realized that on one of them there are tiny node like things appearing at the beginning of every leaf, is this mean that it is a male also? Or is it just that it is going to grow leafs from these spots? It is at every point on the stem where a leaf is coming from. Any ideas? They both are on 24 lighting and have been for the past 2 weeks if that matters.


Active Member
hey,like us,boys have balls.
Google male and female cannabis plants or your straine and compare pictures.
Post a picture if no joy.


Well-Known Member
Give it another week to see more clear. Until then keep an eye on the 6th and 7th node for the sex. Males will have a tiny stem with a tear drop on top and females will have a nice little spade like shape, point up.


Active Member
They are 3 weeks old. I noticed that on the one if I look really close it looks like the startings of a leaf. I just dont want to give all this effort again if they both turn out to be males so im a little worried i guess. I know that the males will get balls but my other grow didnt show any signs til I was about 2 weeks into 12/12 lighting. Ill try to get some pics and post.


Active Member
I feel ya bud. A buddy of mine germinated 20 seeds, 12 took, 8 popped and 7 turned out to be males. What a bummer. It does make ya gun shy. But we seperated, finished off the males, and made hash outta them. So it wasnt a total loss. But all it takes is one lady, and your set! Good luck to ya!


New Member
relax bro it is just new growth and lets keep our fingers crossed for when they do show sex most wont show till a 2 weeks in to flower

They are 3 weeks old. I noticed that on the one if I look really close it looks like the startings of a leaf. I just dont want to give all this effort again if they both turn out to be males so im a little worried i guess. I know that the males will get balls but my other grow didnt show any signs til I was about 2 weeks into 12/12 lighting. Ill try to get some pics and post.


Active Member
I was wondering if it is too early to put them into flowering stage and once I notice if they are male or female change the res solution and put them back on 24/0 lighting or even 18/6? I just looked on them today and the one I was really worried about, there are leaves coming from the branch base with is a good thing.


New Member
no dont do that stresses them
u can take a clone off each and flower it to find out
but come on they r 3 weeks just stop being impatient

I was wondering if it is too early to put them into flowering stage and once I notice if they are male or female change the res solution and put them back on 24/0 lighting or even 18/6? I just looked on them today and the one I was really worried about, there are leaves coming from the branch base with is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if it is too early to put them into flowering stage and once I notice if they are male or female change the res solution and put them back on 24/0 lighting or even 18/6? I just looked on them today and the one I was really worried about, there are leaves coming from the branch base with is a good thing.
You dont need or want to do that. When a plant is mature enough to start flowering regardless of the light cycle you will see alternating nodes and preflowers. If you dont see the small female preflower pistil then choose a branch of the plant and cover it with something lightproof, like a bag of some sort or etc, so its getting 12 hrs of dark. That branch will start flowering while the rest of the plant does not. If you see balls its time for it to die and if you find you were wrong and it is a female you can stop putting the bag on it so it reverts. the clone idea isnt bad either.


Active Member
Alternating nodes? I do not understand what im looking for with alternating nodes? And what does the 6th and 7th node mean, my space is limited so I dont even know if it will get that high.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
You need to do some reading homie. Not trying to be a jerk, but if you are having trouble understanding these basics, youre going to have trouble. Check out a thread about cannabis, and the slang/vocal thread, it'll make it easier to help you if you have the basics.


New Member
well thats why im here to walk him through it and if need be hold his hand
to lead him
yes he should read more but doesnt hurt to ask questions
so OP keep posting and asking ?

You need to do some reading homie. Not trying to be a jerk, but if you are having trouble understanding these basics, youre going to have trouble. Check out a thread about cannabis, and the slang/vocal thread, it'll make it easier to help you if you have the basics.


Well-Known Member
well thats why im here to walk him through it and if need be hold his hand
to lead him
yes he should read more but doesnt hurt to ask questions
so OP keep posting and asking ?
It would be easier for us to help him learn quickly if he were to read up on growing marijuana a bit and then asked questions, but then again for all i know he might of already been doing so. I agree that it doesnt hurt to ask questions either way, just that i think it would be more beneficial for him to read up more and then ask the questions based off what he read.
So i guess in a way everyone is right.
I commend your willingness/desire to help other and new growers.


Active Member
All this banter between fab and destructoid is a proven point that marijuana does not breed violence. Did you see how quick it was resolved? Proof my friends.........proof! Go to a DIY for meth and see if people are this cool. Yea, but anyways Jumpin, patience is a virtue. And trust me, I was freaking out too about mine. But sit back, fire it up, and just watch what mother nature can do. All it takes is one lady and your set. As for fab and destructoid.......... well played gentleman. Very classy on how to resolve that spat. You wont see that anywhere else, then on a how to grow marijuana forum You guys rock! + rep to you both!