shed in a shed???? IR detection help plz!


Just to clarify a bit here.

The general concensus is that they see the heat escaping your house, not the light itself right? Its not like the FLIR has depth perception, so say you live in a 3 floor house and do your thing in the basement. There is no way on gods green earth the technology in these cameras can see through the roof, all 3 floors into the basement and see any heat/light at all.

But they could prolly see a hot roof compared to a cold house if you did your thing in the attic, right?

The idea here is the heat escapes from your house, and that leaves a trace that the cam picks up right?

The basement, or one particular room in the house is hotter then the rest, thats what raises eyebrows-right? Thats what gives them the idea of what you are doing? So, how would they have any idea you dont have a 400w MH light in your salt water fish tank? Or a server? Or if the dryer is running? Or someone was taking a shower? Ironing? Or a nice reptile setup?

Basically, what Im saying is that theres plenty of other shit that runs alot hotter then a well vented light or two. My hot water heater is gas, and runs all the time. Its 60 gallons of 120+ degree water, emitting heat 24 hours a day.

Now, dont get me wrong water heaters are vented through your roof. BUT whats the diff to a FLIR? It only sees heat, not depth. So why would a hot water heater in the basement look any different then my stove on the main floor?
It wont.

Its not like it can establish anything that isnt warmer then its surroundings. So, if your main floor is warmer then the basement and your windows are sealed up good(basement) and there is no vent to the outside you would be golden, right? I mean, if theres no heat to pick up, then how could they?

I mean how the F could FLIR see through one range of heat to find another? The heat from your main floor/upstairs would effect the way the heat signature looked in the basement from a birds eye. If the basement is colder then the rest of the house(typically is) then there is no way they could see it especially if your basement is under ground(typical).

And, another point I would like to make here is there is no such thing as FLIR blocking material. The FLIR picks up heat. So, that being said are they really trying to imply that this magic material gets rid of heat? NO!!!

If there was any truth to it, dont you think a descrambled image in an FLIR would raise an eyebrow moreso then a little heat? I believe it would raise a flag that says,"Something is blocking the camera here"

End of story, grow during the day folks.
Take the wind out of their sale. Oh, and try to keep the wattage lower then 1k. They say 1k is minimum to produce the heat needed to see a grow from above.

Been doing this for almost 30 years(for personal only, and I believe thats why Ive never had an issue), just seems ill minded to put yourself in a position to allow them to use the tool, effective or not, against you. The tool doesnt work at all when its daylight so use that tool against them......


Active Member
well the whole grow during the day thing is fine, except the fact that the veg cycle can need 24/0 lighting. i mean you could do 18/6 and be a little safer right? so i guess i might take the 18/6 into consideration. i mean how much can it really effect my ladies?


Veggin doesnt really need high enough power to be detected by FLIR, and yup 18/6 is just fine for vegging.

I power on at 5:30 and off at 11:30 for "reasonable" hours of the use.

Who's to say Im not sitting in front of my CPU, with the tv and surround sound running all damn day.

But people sleep, so there needs to be an "Off" cycle, or thats atleast how I understand it.

BTW, heaters use about 1500w and obviously produce more heat then any lamp of lesser power...

They arent going to kick in your door over a space heater, right? A/C's use even more power,


Active Member
see thats what i said man, then we got ppl comin in here saying that a single 150w hps lamp will get your door kicked in. i was a little sketchy believing that lol. i think as long as you have your lights on when its light OUT then your a cool kat and got nothing really to worry about. now if your slangin and have an insane amount of traffic in and out or an obscene smell coming from your house (i smell a "skunk" in my neighborhood about once every 2 months... wonder what that means...) then you might have a problem. the bottom line to this topic is be careful, be safe, and have fun. but always remember that if you play, you better be ready to pay.


see thats what i said man, then we got ppl comin in here saying that a single 150w hps lamp will get your door kicked in. but always remember that if you play, you better be ready to pay.

Exactly! Nobody gives a shit about your 150w light. Or a 400w light or the what 1/2lb you might yield off of it. They are not going to waste the resources it would take to catch you with what 1000-2000 worth of buds every 9-10 weeks. It would take an entire team of people atleast several shifts to figure it all out. AND the heat isnt enough thats for sure. Dont put shit in your trash, never tell anyone, dont sell to anyone and they wont have any reason to look any further.

They may not need a warrant to look, but they need some substancial proof to continue wasting time trying to figure it out. Usually by the time they are looking you've already been fingered for growing or selling. They might notice something on a random flyby if you are large scale, but if they cannot validate their theory relatively quickly they must move on.

So, if they cant see you through your window, and they cannot catch anyone that could tell on you or find anything incriminating in your trash you dont really have anything to worry about as long as you keep to yourself and dont share the truth with anyone. I truely believe the only way to really do this for yourself for the longterm is to keep it personal. NEVER TELL A SOUL!

Its the people that that have an entire house converted, or several 1k lights running that get "noticed". And those happen to be the same people they try to make an example of and scare all of us. Those are also the people that usually have sales/partners/snitches on their team!

And yeah, I bet durring random across the sky flights they do scan anywhere they can. And if you are stupid enough to have that much heat radiating from your house that they happen to notice that going 200+ MPH in the helicopter, even without a warrant you deserve it!

Get real people, you gotta understand the logic behind what is being said. FLIR film, really. People really think there is a magic film that can block infrared heat detection?

If said material existed, you know that magically erased heat, people would build other stuff out of it and we would've retrofitted that to our grows decades ago. Our soldiers would have uniforms made of the stuff, they would be ultra sneaky!!!

Fact of the matter is Aluminum is probably the most heat resistant metal around, and still it doesnt do anything to counteract HEAT. The heat must go somewhere, thats where they get you.

Vent into your house, right next to the intake for your central air. That will circulate the heat in a fashion that it will never ever be detected. Use common sense with odors and never tell a soul what you are really doing. More importantly never ever admit it to anyone, or even let on to your knowledge about it.

I think some people shine light among themselves by trying so hard to hide.

If they really had the ability to randomly catch heat signatures from specific devices that emmit a cirtain heat signature, dont you think they would use it for other stuff too like meth labs? Crackhouses? If they could see inside of walls and literally see anything they wanted, as some of you believe dont you think they would be using it in the military? I mean come on, arial view total analysis of whatever is inside? Dont you think that could save some lives?

Do you really think the PO PO's have better technology then the military? And lets not forget about people that use HID's for indoor gardening, like tomatoes and such.

Bottom line, dont deal drugs and dont tell a soul. If your gonna deal, dont deal out of your grow house. If you are going to grow, never be the guy with traffic. Put someone on.

For gods sakes if HID lights put out more heat then a heater then why dont they sell those with that in mind?

Or heaters with

Basically, this statement is like checkmate to this arguement. If your grow is cooler inside then ambient(average) temps outside then you have nothing to worry about as long as you are not venting outside. If your creating a hotspot on an exterior wall by venting, or lack of for that matter then they will see it with the cam. Vent into your house, next to a central air intake and you will never have to worry about this particular issue. DONT LET THE HEAT BUILD UP IN THE FIRST PLACE.



New Member
Basically as I understand it in Florida..... the fuzz flies over and grids an area twice a year. Now they don't grid the entire state...:lol:, but what they consider to be hot where I live. I did observe them last year once...but not twice...but I certainly could have missed them. So they do a grid and record everything....they don't go too fast took about 2 hours to grid our area. Then after several grids are done in the same place...they cross reference for CHANGES in heat. If they see a big difference in house A ... they then ask permission to check ur power bill. If there is a direct correlation between the bill going up & the heat sig change.... they go for a warrant.

It of course probably works differently depending on ur state.