should i stop banging this chick?

if you have to ask the question then you already know better

what if homeboy pays some banger to bust you up, and you die or become disabled . .or you get hepititus or aids or herpeis how you gonn abe 100% father

just cuase your baby and baby momma aint there is no excuse to act like a fool, fuck man grow up

if you have to ask a question like that, your jstu looking for an excuse to continue doing it, as you know its wrong and you should stop,

its inherent in the premise to the questions
i just like opely discussing my problems with other people.

i am growing up. we are all growing.
the problem is less discussion and more you cant do the right thing on your own

you dont need your co ed cheerleaders to tell you whats right and wrong

you have to do that on your own

the fact that it being wrong even crossed your mind, and thatyou continue says all i need to know

low class, and not you just your actions, you can change but you need to do it vs ask questions with already obvious answers
How so? You got both answers you wanted. You wanted people to say to stop because it's disrespect and he's a cool guy, and you know that, and probably feel that's the right thing to do. You also got people saying to keep doing it because fuck him, which is the other answer you wanted because you like the pussy. I don't know you well enough to say what you'll do, but your question was answered. Now it's time to man up and stop being a douche and quit helping that slut cheat, or man up and keep smanging her, and take the very possible punishment when the dude finds out. You bought off him, it's not like when he finds out (I say when, because he will) he doesn't know you, shit he prob has your number to give you the heads up when he's at your door. There are a couple girls who I would smash, and who are very down to, but I refuse to because they are dating, it's just not cool even on mars, dude.
Real shit here ^

In the morning im gonna buy another sack and tell him.
the problem is less discussion and more you cant do the right thing on your own

you dont need your co ed cheerleaders to tell you whats right and wrong

you have to do that on your own

the fact that it being wrong even crossed your mind, and thatyou continue says all i need to know

low class, and not you just your actions, you can change but you need to do it vs ask questions with already obvious answers
ur like the dad who was never there
nah rpobably wont shoot you, unless he is crazy/ suffers from mental illness. Might fight you though, but you might feel better after the fight. :)
Not providing his father skills to the child. Equals bad parent

okay i see that but thats a whole different issue. You can still be a good father and drink, or smoke pot, or take acid or mushrooms when you hanging with your friends on the weekend or whatever
Yea, but when you are out being a junkie and banging another mans girl, i doubt you have time to think of your child

okay i see that but thats a whole different issue. You can still be a good father and drink, or smoke pot, or take acid or mushrooms when you hanging with your friends on the weekend or whatever
okay i see that but thats a whole different issue. You can still be a good father and drink, or smoke pot, or take acid or mushrooms when you hanging with your friends on the weekend or whatever
so much wrong in one sentence. lol
You brought it up. And the country might fail, but everyone is still riding this story like its the black stallion

not conneticut bro, you did. I actually chuckled but had to stop myself cause I gave it a deeper thought of what happened......he needs to be killed.