should i trim the larger leaves!!!!!

my lemon kush has been in veg stage for just over 3 weeks i have a basic set up due for being a new grower i'm using cfls 3x90watts & 2 100watts i know!! may not get a big yeid but who cares just as long they get there my box is just under 3 feet by 2 feet not very big i have white walls foil at top and bottom i'v flip it a week ago and they are in 1 week 4 days into flowing i now it's a female so im happy,adding nuints quater of the amount needed at this time i put to much in at first and started to burn the leaves so i added some more water and it was ok after that thank god!!
so im just asking do u think i should take of the big fan leaves or leave these alone i grew it 4 nodes then fliped my plants look ok for 4 weeks 4 days into flower....would appeceate some feed back plz!!!....thanks peace out.....some pic's
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Active Member
Hey Green....I 100% agree with harley, I never EVER trim leaves at any point of my grow. And go figure I have been running lemon Kush for a few of my past grows! It is finicky and stresses easily imo but I loveeeeee the fragrance and taste/high. Once you get a few weeks into budding any large fan leaf that is blocking a bud site tuck it down into other lower branches so you don't remove it but clear a way for more light especially with your setup. My lemon always bushes out LIKE a mofo! and I am always forced to tuck leaves to get light to all the buds, and I use a 400 WATT HPS with side and lower CFL additional lighting. good luck!


Well-Known Member
Man for nutes and ease of use try general organics not too expensive and really good results. I don't want to tell you yes or no on the eights as I'm not sure


New Member
I trim all leaves that shade productive growth...bud works...defoliating to expose light to lower bud sites is a common practice that is successful when done right...


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks nice and healthy. I'd keep it that way and not trim any leaves off her.


New Member
View attachment 242346020121125_104107.jpg...ive trimmed over 100 leaves off this plant....a shoebox FULL....6weeks veg just began flowering....I was uneasy bout trimming fan leaves to expose lower productive growth to light cause most ppl say don't...a lot of experienced growers say don't....I challenge u to show me a healthier plant than the one pictured shit I've trimmed over 100 leaves off her....she's so thick w shoots n branches they're uncountable....I don't grow weed for leaves....i grow it for buds...buds need light....why u think ur lower buds suffer when top buds thrive?....light....if a leaf is covering a part of the plant that is growing or will potenitialy grow buds then that leaf is removed....I promise more will take it place....unfortunately....the plant needing its fan leaves is way have some sense about urself n don't go trimming ALL ur leaves off...but 25-30% is ok


Well-Known Member
The leaves are all like little dynamos producing the energy needed for your plants healthy growth....if you remove these little energy providers, the result is less vigorous growth. The ONLY leaves that I remove are those that have yellowed to the point of not being able to produce energy for the plant. Put the scissors down and step away from the plant.:lol::lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
New thread, same old debate.
If defoliation did not work, why are so many people reporting great results?
I would like to see someone grow a plant and not take a leaf off it and next to it run another clone from the same plant and defoliate it.

I would love to see the results. Personally, I defoliate a bit and have noticed good results.

I'm not going to defend either way because I have my own way and get near a pound each time in a small space. I have done different variations and the run that produced the least was when I did not top, defoliate or scrog my plants.

There is one guy on this site that is an exceptional asshole on this subject, he rises above them all.
I would suggest ignoring opinions here and form your own based on your experience.


New Member
I didn't even read up to this point. I saw the title and had to chime in with my "DONT CUT THEM OFF" opinion.

Unless you absolutely have to, leave them on. OR, you could go cut some off, piss your plants off, wait for a day or two for it to start growing again and make the choice for yourself.

Experience has showed me, leave the leaves on.


New Member
SoG = Sea of Green

ScrOG = Screen of green.

Unlucky would be proud of me right now. hahaaha, she had to teach me the acronyms. Never knew the techniques had names lol


New Member
20121124_101824.jpg...thinned her out in this I said earlier I've trimmed over 100 leaves off this plant exposing lower productive growth (bud sites)....3days later....View attachment 2424537...thicker than shit....I don't know who started this nasty rumor that trimming fan leaves is bad...its not true tho....its now 3days later from that last pic n she's so thick w foliage I'm concerned she's not getting the proper air flow needed....she'll b getting another trim session in abt 3 or 4 days....everytime I trim she explodes w growth....bottom line is ur lower growth needs direct light for it to flourish like the tops....the only reason lower buds dont get as dank as top buds is light....expose them to light n watch em flourish....or don't n have shitty lower buds for hash n all depends on what u desire....if u desire ur lower shoots n branches to flourish n grow n produce nasty dank buds like the tops then trim....if u don't then don't bad...2days growth diff in pics....u can check the dates on bottom of pic.