It is rising. I'd be for a ban on such but the definition of "assault rifle" is quite broad. Handguns are absolutely unnecessary but I know a few trappers that are allowed to carry while in the bush.
I wonder how it would go over here. A lot of people don't seem to want to part with the handguns but since they're only allowed at the range I can't see why.
I would have loved to carry a side arm when I used to bow hunt bear. But I would rather not have the shit going on South of here. Assault rifles are anything that a committee of stake holders on both sides decides. It’s not a perfect solution but it’s something. Don’t get me wrong about guns, I really like guns and semi collect them but I also understand lots of people shouldn’t own or possess them, I’m willing to give up a few things in order to make that happen.
Edit I would have googled the crime rate but I’m high and said fuck it.