Should Tony Blair Be Charged With War Crimes?

Should Tony Be Charged With War Crimes?

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New Member
Maybe, I'm wrong. yet, is this worth the risk of allowing this threat even more power? The way I see it we have 2 choices, we either wipe every single muslim from the face of the earth, or we keep ourselves seperated. Maybe just nip over now and again to stop them gaining nuclear thechnologies, and to rob them of some more oil. Skunk, that mentality might have something to do with why they are so pissed at us, I'm not siding with radical islam by a long shot, but they have a valid grievance about the treatment they've gotten from the "super powers". Maybe if we had of bargained for their treasures instead of bullying them out of it, they wouldn't be so radical. The part of the religion that cries out for extermination of the infadels is wrong and needs to be addressed in an appropriate manner, Maybe we could build some modern Gas chambers. Have you seen the natural gas flames being emited from the stacks in the oil fields, we could re-route that to the gas chambers and get on with business. Figuring there are about 2 billion Muslims, it might take a whils, but with western technology, I'm sure we could get the job done, you know, a moving metal belt moving through the furnace and a huge grinder to drop them in before going to the furnace funneling down to the belt, tell them they are going on a fun ride, decorate the outside like a disney ride, usher about 50 into the room at a time and then the floor drops out and into the grinder they go. We could give you the job of pushing the button that makes the floor drop out.~LOL~.


New Member
lol, why do I get the shitty job? I mean, once you've pressed it once...

I know what you mean though, they have had the shitty end of the stick. yet, we are in a race, in direct competition with each other. If they had have advanced first it would be us holding the shitty end, and we'd be trying to overthrow a muslim superpower. Or maybe just trying to hide to avoid complete extinction.


New Member
lol, why do I get the shitty job? I mean, once you've pressed it once...

I know what you mean though, they have had the shitty end of the stick. yet, we are in a race, in direct competition with each other. If they had have advanced first it would be us holding the shitty end, and we'd be trying to overthrow a muslim superpower. Or maybe just trying to hide to avoid complete extinction.
There's more of them than us (Christians) I believe. We might be in hiding before it's over. I've got a few places in Az. to hide where it woud be kinda hard to get to, And a few hundred rounds of ammo.


New Member
Don't blame the West for the plight of those living in the Middle East. Westerners have spend TRILLIONS of dollars buying their oil. Their governments have wasted, squandered and stolen it. It was the Muslims who made the choice on their leaders. At one time, the Middle East was the center of civilazation. It was THEY who have chosen to retreat back into the Dark Ages.



New Member
Don't blame the West for the plight of those living in the Middle East. Westerners have spend TRILLIONS of dollars buying their oil. Their governments have wasted, squandered and stolen it. It was the Muslims who made the choice on their leaders. At one time, the Middle East was the center of civilazation. It was THEY who have chosen to retreat back into the Dark Ages.

well said. I'm all for a war on Islam, we should have finished them off years ago. If anyone's needed to man a big machine gun, I'd enrol.

I look to the future, and I can only see things getting far worse.


New Member
well said. I'm all for a war on Islam, we should have finished them off years ago. If anyone's needed to man a big machine gun, I'd enrol.

I look to the future, and I can only see things getting far worse.
I got a couple of weapons for ya skunky, if we meet up I'll take you shooting. Here in the wild west we can drive a few miles out of town and a couple off the main road and have a free fire zone. I've probably knocked off a few hundred rounds myself in the last ten years, I don't have the eyes I had when I was young, but still can hit the broadside of the barn.


Well-Known Member
the threat is real no doubt about that... we need to go back to pre world war 2 philosophy... if you are going to send your country to war then dammit go to war... the purpose of war since the begginning of time is to annihalte a threat unfortunately our pussy governments decided that to be civilized you had to negotiate with crazies... now look where we are at... the world is on the brink of another world war because the UN and the Super Powers have failed to put third world countries in their place... for instance korea and vietnam we had more people in america on the side of the damn enemy then on the sides of our troops and guess what... that gave the enemy hope just as right now the radical muslims gain hope because our leaders are to busy pussyfooting around and not waging war and the people are getting tired of a long drug out war... and as stupid as the general public is they believe the lies of the media (who just try to make themselves look good and caring but like everyone else only care about the all important dollar) saying that the muslims are harmless and if we just leave them alone everything would be fine... but as evidenced in much of Europe the muslims are taking over... just look what is happening in Britain and France... but i'm sorry i forgot if we want to eliminate a threat to our civilization and lives we are just cruel and racist because we just don't understand muslims... but i think i understand them pretty damn well considering in their own words they have said i don't know how many millions of times things like... DEATH TO AMERICA. they want to eradicate all of western civilization. they want to convert or kill all infidels. they want to destroy israel. they want nuclear weapons (and i promise it is not so they can sit around and look at their nice shiny missles) am i racist for forming an opinion on no more then what they themselves proclaim... maybe its just me but when i turn on the TV and see streets full of people shouting death to america and kids talking about how proud it would make them to become suicide bombers it scares me just a little... BOTTOM LINE this problem will not cease to exist if just left alone just like korea didn't and just like vietnam didn't... if we don't destroy them first they have more then promised to destroy us so what will we do???


New Member
Blow them to hell.

Never has a people so changed my outlook on my fellow man. I thought I had it figured, nobody really believes in a god, they just pretend to. Then these fucking muslims come along and ruin it, blowing up themselves in the busiest areas they can find. They believe they will be richly rewarded in heaven. They really believe it, even deep, deep down they must truly believe, and they make the ultimate sacrifice for this belief. Scary shit, them fucking muslims.


New Member
Blow them to hell.

Never has a people so changed my outlook on my fellow man. I thought I had it figured, nobody really believes in a god, they just pretend to. Then these fucking muslims come along and ruin it, blowing up themselves in the busiest areas they can find. They believe they will be richly rewarded in heaven. They really believe it, even deep, deep down they must truly believe, and they make the ultimate sacrifice for this belief. Scary shit, them fucking muslims.
Now you know, some actually believe, deep down, actually believe. even some of us Christians actually believe, but not like them. I certainly don't go around kneeling 5 times a day and praying and I'm not about to do Jihad. But my beliefs are just as real. Look, Like the man said, you gotta hedge your bets!


Well-Known Member
I only bet on certainties.

anyone who only bets on certainties will make no profit in a world so full of chance. :)


Active Member
Don't blame the West for the plight of those living in the Middle East. Westerners have spend TRILLIONS of dollars buying their oil. Their governments have wasted, squandered and stolen it. It was the Muslims who made the choice on their leaders. At one time, the Middle East was the center of civilazation. It was THEY who have chosen to retreat back into the Dark Ages.

You're a fucking disgusting person and should die ASAP.


The first thing the US did after the invade was take control of the oil fields.

Each day a vast amount of civilians are killed by YOUR army of fucking idiots. This number exceeds both iraqi "terrorists" and US army deaths COMBINED.

Open your eyes you ignorant cunt. You're racist and sectarian. You dislike the middle east for what they believe in. Believe it or not a vast majority of Iraq supported Saddam. These pictures aren't shown in the US, BUT ARE OVER HERE. People like you are shit. America has absolutely no right to excercise its physical power. I'm glad 9/11 happened, simply because I hope it hurt you as much as the "war" is hurting middle eastern society. You, living in a luxurious country will most likely NEVER experience war. True war. I was born in Belfast many years ago, I have a vague experience. You don't and never will. I know how it feels when someone kills people you love because of their religion, because of what one man WHO ISN'T EVEN A CITIZEN OF THE INVADED COUNRTY did. You're ignorant and scum. I hope you rot, and this will be my last post to your fucking disgusting fascist-self.


Well-Known Member
what the hell was that shit oisin? keep your head clear and show us where Vi was in err.


New Member
what the hell was that shit oisin? keep your head clear and show us where Vi was in err.
That clown is in error when he wakes up in the morning. He, like you, wears these great big blinders to the truth, he only sees what he wants and everything else just doesn't exist. the worst kind of Human, A closed minded bastard!


Well-Known Member
oisin says
Originally Posted by ViRedd
Don't blame the West for the plight of those living in the Middle East. Westerners have spend TRILLIONS of dollars buying their oil. Their governments have wasted, squandered and stolen it. It was the Muslims who made the choice on their leaders. At one time, the Middle East was the center of civilazation. It was THEY who have chosen to retreat back into the Dark Ages.


You're a fucking disgusting person and should die ASAP.


The first thing the US did after the invade was take control of the oil fields.

Each day a vast amount of civilians are killed by YOUR army of fucking idiots. This number exceeds both iraqi "terrorists" and US army deaths COMBINED.

Open your eyes you ignorant cunt. You're racist and sectarian. You dislike the middle east for what they believe in. Believe it or not a vast majority of Iraq supported Saddam. These pictures aren't shown in the US, BUT ARE OVER HERE. People like you are shit. America has absolutely no right to excercise its physical power. I'm glad 9/11 happened, simply because I hope it hurt you as much as the "war" is hurting middle eastern society. You, living in a luxurious country will most likely NEVER experience war. True war. I was born in Belfast many years ago, I have a vague experience. You don't and never will. I know how it feels when someone kills people you love because of their religion, because of what one man WHO ISN'T EVEN A CITIZEN OF THE INVADED COUNRTY did. You're ignorant and scum. I hope you rot, and this will be my last post to your fucking disgusting fascist-self.

What a puerile display of contempt and arrogance....and this from a kid who just makes things up.....*Newflash* why is the US paying for any oil if we can just simply take it? display an abject ignorance of world history and geopolitics....and besides that, I have concluded that you are unable to support your hateful vitriolic rants with even one shred of evidence. The only reason for this is your obvious mental are just dumb!

Oh, and check out what a paradise Germany could not possibly be more woefully mistaken if you tried! Read a book, dummy!

There has been a steady exodus over the years, but it has recently become Topic A in a land already saddled with one of the most rapidly aging and shrinking populations of any Western nation. With evidence that more professionals are leaving now than in past years, politicians and business executives warn about the loss of their country’s best and brightest.
Germany Agonizes Over a Brain Drain - New York Times


New Member
You're a fucking disgusting person and should die ASAP.


The first thing the US did after the invade was take control of the oil fields.

Each day a vast amount of civilians are killed by YOUR army of fucking idiots. This number exceeds both iraqi "terrorists" and US army deaths COMBINED.

Open your eyes you ignorant cunt. You're racist and sectarian. You dislike the middle east for what they believe in. Believe it or not a vast majority of Iraq supported Saddam. These pictures aren't shown in the US, BUT ARE OVER HERE. People like you are shit. America has absolutely no right to excercise its physical power. I'm glad 9/11 happened, simply because I hope it hurt you as much as the "war" is hurting middle eastern society. You, living in a luxurious country will most likely NEVER experience war. True war. I was born in Belfast many years ago, I have a vague experience. You don't and never will. I know how it feels when someone kills people you love because of their religion, because of what one man WHO ISN'T EVEN A CITIZEN OF THE INVADED COUNRTY did. You're ignorant and scum. I hope you rot, and this will be my last post to your fucking disgusting fascist-self.
Oisin, Oisin, Oisin. Showing your true colours with this post, and to think you actually termed me as being harsh about the fucking ferret.

You too are confusing Saddam with Islam. Saddam was an intelligent man that was quite happy to live without a god until the first gulf war. He famously turned muslim in an effort to gain support from other Arab nations. He also tried the tactic of firing scud missiles into Israel, also in an attempt to gain support. We had to shoot the missiles out of the sky because if any had landed Israel had vowed to retaliate. This could have escalated into an all out war with the entire muslim world. I remember that 1 or 2 did land but caused minimal damage. Our enemies were saddam's enemies, and we gave them the sword to end his life.

These enemies are the muslims. They are the enemy of all Mankind, they seek to destroy OUR society and replace it with their own. This is fascist. Do you not see this Oisin, or is your head so far up your politically correct, bullshit-full arse? It's muppets like you that hold this country back from doing what needs to be done. I'm not a racist as I expect the full support from all none muslim people. I'm sure the sikhs and hindus will be the first to join this very worthy cause. The muslims are the biggest threat to our society since the 3rd reich (I'm not forgetting the cold war, it's just that communism has never really been a threat). Did we not EXECUTE the leaders of this movement (3rd reich)? The same must be done to every muslim. I do not like being threatened, and that is how I feel. I fear for my family, fear that some muslim dickhead will decide to blow himself up. If I ever caught a suicide bomber I'd tear him apart, with my teeth.


New Member
The first asshole without a cogent argument said this:

"You're a fucking disgusting person and should die ASAP."
"you stupid fucking moron."
"YOUR army of fucking idiots"
"Open your eyes you ignorant cunt."
"You're racist and sectarian."
"People like you are shit."
"I'm glad 9/11 happened"
"You're ignorant and scum."
"I hope you rot"

The second asshole without a cogent argument said this:

"That clown is in error when he wakes up in the morning. He, like you, wears these great big blinders to the truth, he only sees what he wants and everything else just doesn't exist. the worst kind of Human, A closed minded bastard!"

The first asshole without a cogent argument makes this promise:

"and this will be my last post to your fucking disgusting fascist-self."

Now, if only we can get the second asshole without a cogent argument to make the same promise, we could get back to reasonable, fair minded, political debate and discussions in this forum.




New Member
Now, if only we can get the second asshole without a cogent argument to make the same promise, we could get back to reasonable, fair minded, political debate and discussions in this forum.

Yeah, you could all sit around and jerk each other off because it would all be right wing bullshit. You guys pray every day I'll show up here so you'll have someone to argue with. What fun would it be to say the same shit to each other like you do. " nice post wavels right on" , "Couldn't have said it better my self Vi", "7X you are just Brilliant", Jerk, jerk, jerk, what a trio of assholes. What do you guys see in the mirror when you have the guts to look, Bush staring back? Pathetic!