Show Me What You Got LST?


Well-Known Member
pic 1 Nirvana Mystery Seed Freebie, pic 2 Nirvana Northern Light 12/12 from seed, pic 3 another Northern light and also 12/12 from seed.


i like your wireless cam idea to check the temps and what not. gor is lookin good.
yeah, a bit OT, but the wireless cam has been awesome to monitor condition. I was out of state last week, and I could log in from my friends computer to see how they're doing in real time! I had to ask the wife to water a bit extra cause it got a little hot outside, and I could see the droop.


Well-Known Member
i put 2 more plants into flwer today they are both shiskaberry strain. and stand about 8 inches tall. i will be doin some lst to these in a few days once they strech some, and the only reason im not doin some xtreme lst is cuz im gonna have more plants in their once the 2 biggeest girls are out. i will have six in theri 3 shiskaberry and 3 purple indica. but for now only 2 shiska are out in theri cuz ther aint enough room. so the other 4 plants are still vegging they are also still a lil to small so it is ok well heres a few pics of the shiska in flower. also im making a buch of iso hash with some white rino and elvis bud trim i used about 2 ozs of trim and about half gal of alc. i let them sit over night in the alc. then filter it and let it evap and walla iso hash. very dank. i think i will end up with about 10 gs or more of it when it is dry and i still got like 3 gs from like my batch 2 weeks ago


Well-Known Member
i put 2 more plants into flwer today they are both shiskaberry strain. and stand about 8 inches tall. i will be doin some lst to these in a few days once they strech some, and the only reason im not doin some xtreme lst is cuz im gonna have more plants in their once the 2 biggeest girls are out. i will have six in theri 3 shiskaberry and 3 purple indica. but for now only 2 shiska are out in theri cuz ther aint enough room. so the other 4 plants are still vegging they are also still a lil to small so it is ok well heres a few pics of the shiska in flower. also im making a buch of iso hash with some white rino and elvis bud trim i used about 2 ozs of trim and about half gal of alc. i let them sit over night in the alc. then filter it and let it evap and walla iso hash. very dank. i think i will end up with about 10 gs or more of it when it is dry and i still got like 3 gs from like my batch 2 weeks ago
Nice man ALways sweet to have hash around I bet. Have you read Hobbes thread on hasgmaking? I tried the method with lemon extract to make the tincture you can drop under your tongue it was awesome if I had lots of weed I would make lots of it.
not only gets you bombed but tastes pretty good too!


Well-Known Member
i put 2 more plants into flwer today they are both shiskaberry strain. and stand about 8 inches tall. i will be doin some lst to these in a few days once they strech some, and the only reason im not doin some xtreme lst is cuz im gonna have more plants in their once the 2 biggeest girls are out. i will have six in theri 3 shiskaberry and 3 purple indica. but for now only 2 shiska are out in theri cuz ther aint enough room. so the other 4 plants are still vegging they are also still a lil to small so it is ok well heres a few pics of the shiska in flower. also im making a buch of iso hash with some white rino and elvis bud trim i used about 2 ozs of trim and about half gal of alc. i let them sit over night in the alc. then filter it and let it evap and walla iso hash. very dank. i think i will end up with about 10 gs or more of it when it is dry and i still got like 3 gs from like my batch 2 weeks ago
Nice man ALways sweet to have hash around I bet. Have you read Hobbes thread on hash making?
I tried the method with lemon extract to make the tincture you can drop under your tongue it was awesome! If I had lots of weed I would make lots of it.
not only gets you bombed but tastes pretty good too!


Well-Known Member
Nice man ALways sweet to have hash around I bet. Have you read Hobbes thread on hasgmaking? I tried the method with lemon extract to make the tincture you can drop under your tongue it was awesome if I had lots of weed I would make lots of it.
not only gets you bombed but tastes pretty good too!
ya i still have some from a batch i made 2 weeks ago the shit is stong so i dont have to use much. also i should end up with about 10 gs of iso hash. and no i havent read hobbes thread about hash making but i will if i can find it u got a link

u must like arbys?

haha who are u talkin about. oh wait i think u mean MV and his cups never mind. u got any lst goin on man:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
he is talking about me i think =)

and yes i love arbys because they give you ranch with your curly fries!!!


Well-Known Member
Can I come down and just chill with you for a couple days...:weed:

well u got a medi card so it would all be legal and ya id smoke u out imlow on bud atm but gettin more soon. but got lots of iso hash. meeting new people is always cool. and WVmade ya i realized that after i thought about it for a min


Well-Known Member
thanks fr that link it sound like it would be some good stuff. the only thing is it seems to be quite the process haveing to check the temps cook it and what not. all i do is soak my stuff in 91% alc. and let soak overnight. theni filter out the leafs and u just let the alc evap or help it out with fans and a blow dryer. and thens crape off and bam dank oil. i think i might try hobbes method somtime soon cuz i like it but just to much for me to do right now and it takes an hour and a half to feel it dam. i feel mine instantly. and im not really a fan of ingesting it. i like the smoke and taste but the read is interestin and i will try this eventualyy to see if i like. thanks again for the link


Well-Known Member
well u got a medi card so it would all be legal and ya id smoke u out imlow on bud atm but gettin more soon. but got lots of iso hash. meeting new people is always cool. and WVmade ya i realized that after i thought about it for a min

Alas I am baby sitting my Ice cream, every day I hope to see a few more orange pistils but they are at least 1/2 still white.
I guess I am kind of glad because it keeps getting bigger.
If anyone is looking for a yielder Ice cream is looking pretty good.

I have met a couple people from these forums and actually traded a few strains around! We would be better off to hang at harvest time and match!


Well-Known Member
Alas I am baby sitting my Ice cream, every day I hope to see a few more orange pistils but they are at least 1/2 still white.
I guess I am kind of glad because it keeps getting bigger.
If anyone is looking for a yielder Ice cream is looking pretty good.

I have met a couple people from these forums and actually traded a few strains around! We would be better off to hang at harvest time and match!

ive only met one person off here and he is pretty cool and lives close by. how far into flower are your ice cream.

heres some more pics of my big girls still yellowing bad though but all well i want them to finish already so i can mo=ve on. after the 2 big girls are gone i will have 6 in the flower room. 3 purple indica and 3 shiskaberry. i dont know if i will lst these ones thoough cuz their is more plants so i need a lil more room width wise. however i will be doin some lst to a fe cuz they are branching weird. heres the pics the last 2 pics are the shiskaberry in flower and i will most likely tie them a lil bittomorow:blsmoke: also check out the journal for all the pics and ifo if any one would like to :mrgreen:peace


Well-Known Member
well when i got them they already had roots but were extremely stunted cuz they were rootbound bad. so when i got them it was day 1. i vegged for 11 days under 24 hours of 200 watt cfl, and then placed them under the 600 watt hps on a 18/6 schedule for a few days and vegged them for 4 dqys under it and then started 12/12. the first 2 pics are when i first got them. the next 2 is the day they went into flower to show how big they were when they started



Well-Known Member
looks like it was a nice little plant. but a bit small. was it growin usin cfls. and is the 3rd pic the plant before u chopped.

yeah, kinda put the pictures out of order. but yeah that was at the end of veg and start of flower I believe.. or maybe a week after flower... either way.

And yeah she was small but I was really confined with space and time and only had her growing in a small quart sized pot and never transferred her, but yeah.. it was under 6 CFL's.. haha, check my journal and see the ghetto set ups.... i had to move her around a lot but she still turned out like a babe


Well-Known Member
still dunno why your yield was so small here is my yield from 5 cfls

And she was stunned really bad also it was my first indoor go at growing gotta bunch on pics in my albums


Active Member
hey ppl just a quick pic of my afgh kush (wos) fem i have 2 on the go but only lst'd one of em just to try it out. ive not done lst before and anyone who has could they give any comments please .. shes 2 weeks in, just before they start to explode:lol::leaf:

cheers all smoke out:bigjoint:



Active Member
hey ppl just a quick pic of my afgh kush (wos) fem i have 2 on the go but only lst'd one of em just to try it out. ive not done lst before and anyone who has could they give any comments please .. shes 2 weeks in, just before they start to explode:lol::leaf:

cheers all smoke out:bigjoint:
forgot to add-

i assume cuz u dont know which is the main branch thats a gud lst although not all of the branches are perfectly equal, there all gettin plenty of light though i only tied the main branch down early on and kept doing it a little more as it grew and this is the result. whole plant 6 weeks old


Well-Known Member
hey ppl just a quick pic of my afgh kush (wos) fem i have 2 on the go but only lst'd one of em just to try it out. ive not done lst before and anyone who has could they give any comments please .. shes 2 weeks in, just before they start to explode:lol::leaf:

cheers all smoke out:bigjoint:
looks great dont change a thing unless u tie the tallest ones down just a smugde to even out the canopy but it looks good.

i lsted 2 shiskaberry plants today that just started flower. i only tied down the tallest 2 shoots on each plant and it created a nice canopy and i wont do any morelst to these unless i need to in the future


Well-Known Member
still dunno why your yield was so small here is my yield from 5 cfls

She was definitely root bound. It was a really small pot so she didnt have room to really grow. quart size.. think diameter was like 7 inches and depth was like 5 inches