Showing hairs, but they are not white


Well-Known Member
so 1 of my bagseed plants I put outside has me a lil cornfused. I have been watching it like a hawk the last cple weeks because everything about it looks male. real spindly and long spacing between internodes. big huge thick stalk and branches. over 6' tall now. just has an overall thin and sparse look to it. well yesterday I can see hairs at all the branching, but they are not white, almost look black or atleast a very dark brown. has anybody seen this before? is this going to be some knock your dick in the dirt weed or is going to turn out to be ditch weed? anybody??


Well-Known Member
yes they are hairs and not stipules, I know what a female preflower looks like, have 3 other females right beside her, and as for pix, I don't have a camera, all of that aside, all I was really looking for is if anybody has ever seen a strain like that, I have heard a pure sativa will be tall, spindly and sparse, almost a male looking plant, was wondering with the combonation between that and dark hairs this early if I am sitting on something good or amazing, lol