Slow drying = more terpene évaporation


Well-Known Member
Anothet old head stuck in his outdated ways disregarding quantifiable science and snarkily imposong their own bro science on others. Clown behavior.
You're a complete fool. Age has nothing to do with anything. You don't know anything about science little boy. I didn't impose anything on anyone. The only clown is you flopping around in those big shoes tripping and stumbling down the street.


Well-Known Member
Here’s some numbers, broken branch
Probably done around 10g tomorrow. Heat sucks. Hepa filter for airflow.
Edit: terpene evaporation, i thought the terps finished curing like a varnish. The water evaporates but the terps are trapped within the hardening trichs.
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Well-Known Member
Let’s keep it cool guys. I bite my tongue a lot when im on a forum and at work also. There’s smart asses everywhere. Just gotta learn to ignore them. They are not worth your time.