I can’t forget the great stone I had in 2012 after not smoking for 9 years. It was exciting, fresh, breath-taking – so much more exciting than smoking every day. I loved the new insights it gave me that day (or thought it gave me). By becoming a daily stoner, I lose all of that - it’s not exciting and it becomes a burden.
I totally agree.
It takes 28 days to clear your body of THC. One month and you're tolerance goes up to zero.
I think that should be the only motivation we need to take it easy. If we are lucky enough to not need it for medical reasons, and we want to use it to reach those beautiful highs, moderation is the key. That means, let your body rest, or you just won't get high.
I don't know if 2 weeks will be enough, maybe after 3-4 months you'll need to quit again for 28 days to rebuild that tolerance.
When you do that, I think the highs you get are way more interesting.
In conclusion, I just want to add that the insights you get are most often real. We think those are stupid stoner highdeas we have, but the truth is that if we would be able to write 10 ideas down, clearly, at least half of them would make a lot of sense.
The problem is we're high, we don't want to write, we think we're gonna remember, and we never do.
Check out what Carl Sagan wrote about this. It's an amazing read.
It's also interesting when you think of the frequency.
The man said: "I live almost all my life down".
That doesn't sound like a wake and bake to me. It seems like he is using it sparingly.
George Carlin did the same. "Once a month would be frequent for me" he said, but when he smoked that would help him pump up the material he's been writing while sober.
In short: Weed gives you a different perspective on life. But if you're always high, stoned, or "hangover", you completely lose the other perspective. The sober one.
And I'm not saying the sober one is better. I'm just saying is different. And having 2 point of views is better than one, right?
Sagan's document
George Carlin's view of Cannabis
A video we made to watch when you smoke after a T-Break