Soil mom and hydro daughters!!


Well-Known Member
I just started germinating some Bubblegum seeds and im in a tough spot. I only have one hydroponic system (water farm 8 plant) and i want to use it in my flowering room. I was wondering if its going to be a problem to grow my mother plants in dirt and put her clones in the hydroponic system. In the next two months or so i should have some extra cash to build a drip system for my veg room but the big question is again will the clones be ok in hydroponic system if their mother is from soil?


New Member
There won't be any problem at all with doing this. Most growers have their Moms in soil. You can even root your cuttings in soil, then after washing the roots real well, transplant them into your hydro system.



Active Member
What about a aero mom and soil daughters?
Or is that not a good idea/

My dream is to have my Aerogarden with seven mothers and just continually feed into smaller buds

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
Soil is more forgiving than water. Every once in a while you may have a power outage or pump go out or something like that and if your crop dies its gone. With soil it doesnt work like that.


New Member
*lol* ... And on the other hand, with hydro, when everything is working perfectly, you can cut the veg time in half or by two thirds. Also, with hydro, there is no guess work on the amount of nutrients to use. Oh, yeah ... and no root-bound plants either. Oh, and no dirt to dispose of, no dirty fingernails and no fifty-pound bags of worm castings to carry around. The best part of hydro is that no one can call ya a Sod Buster.


PS: Just joshing with ya WW. :)

There won't be any problem at all with doing this. Most growers have their Moms in soil. You can even root your cuttings in soil, then after washing the roots real well, transplant them into your hydro system.

Hello, I'm just beginning to start, after doing a great deal of research. I have some Pinny Paralyser clones started in dirt, and I want to transfer them to a fresh built aeroponics system. How is easy is it to wash the roots? The clones were pricey, and hard to get, so I certainly want to keep them alive. Any simple details suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have rockwool, and hydroton to use for my growing medium. I'm waiting for expert advice, please help me become self sufficient. Thanks!