some questions about making tincture


Active Member
i have tons of cooking leaves/trim and i want to make some tincture. But i purchased some from a club a while back and i don't think i really felt much as i have kind of a high tolerance.

So i am wondering how much alcohol percentage matters. I know that the higher the percentage the better but will it work with basically any boose? i found some rum on my shelf thats 63% alcohol, would that be good enough or should i go get some bacardi 151 or something?

Also, i am wondering if i should change the procedure if i am using low quality trim. can you soak the alcohol and the weed for say a week, then strain it, and the put in some new trim and repeat the procedure? i have a large quantity of trim but its not necessarily quality. i make great butter with it but i credit that to using a crock-pot. Also can you make up lack of quality buds with higher quality alcohol or anything?

Let me know, thanks!


Well-Known Member
I've tried making tinctures many many times before, using 100 proof and shit, the BEST shit I"ve ever made was with 151 proof everclear, filled full of small buds in a mason jar, put in a warm dark place for 3 weeks. it kept it warm as if it had been in the sunlight in a brown paper bag...

no you can't really make up for low quality bud with high quality alcohol... in my case you can make a bunch of small buds turn into something truly amazing if you use a lot of it.