some simple ? before my first grow


Active Member
ok all be growing n my closet and its pretty standerd size small. now all prob be able to grow 4 plants in 5 gallon at the biggest size pot pretty snug but good fit now i was wondering if i could use a standerd alum foil to reflect next i no u should have a 400 watt HID but could i use some floods warm and cool bout 4 of them as well for my flowering due to the fact am on a budget and its a pretty small grow room so ??? plz and thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
aluminum foil is not very good as it creates hot spots and blah blah ( go to dollar store or a party store and get mylar, at the dollar store it will be called polywrap )

If your on a light budget go get CFL's ( compact fluorescent lights ) you know the little spiral ones

your gonna need 6500k for vegetation stage ( usually 23 or 13watts ) and 2700k ( only ones I have found yet are 42watts )

Hope this helps man



Well-Known Member
right on ktown, but...

the 23w in us are almost always warm spec, 3000k, suitable for veg and flower, best for flower. 6500k bulbs are sold at lowe's and walmart, and are usually 42 watts.


i'm an advocate of GE's new line; i say new, they've been out for a long time. they are t12's, but work wonders for veg. you'll need a 24'' or 48'' (prefferably) double flouro fixture, and GE daylight bulbs. best flouro's i've ever used, seriously.

hope that helps!



Active Member
act my dads a light and sound eng in the city so its just not realy budget its wat they got there and no HID are there so floods i gess would be my best choose wat would be better the long warm weights and cool weights in the tube 4 foots or thoughs cfl's pound to pound wat puts out more?


Well-Known Member
avaoid flood lights, wrong spec, and way too hot.

cfl's or flouro's if you cant' get a hid; hps or mh can be used through the whole grow; i use solarmax gold bulbs for my halides, the do outstanding in veg, and produce very compact buds in flower.

hps is not ideal for veg, and can cause you to have a higher male count, but it works too. warm specs are good for all stages of growth


Active Member
just ask my dad he got them 3000k,6500k and t12s now wich should i use in deffrent stages and if i should use some with other thanks u guys been a great help


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Off topic but Kindprincess do you have a reverse shot of that avatar grrrr nice booty tease meow lol


Well-Known Member
veg-cool, 6500k
flower-warm, 2300-3000k

t12-a size of flourecent, usually between 30-40w, tubes are available in all types of specs"
plant and aquarium
kitchen and bath

GE daylight tubes are 6500k, 3050lum ea., 40w.

and sorry guys, but the pic is soon to go; security reasons...



Well-Known Member
I got 4 plants 1 month old in a gallon bucket with a 23w compact flouro daylight bulb and aluminum reflector. it's growing well as it is, just on rainwater.