I want to warn ALL of you that frequent my Journal. If someone tries to get you to try Thrive do NOT do it. Thrive is a supplement company that uses a shake, patch and pills. They have outrageous claims that are not true. My wife and I have both recently been hit up and I can tell you that people promoting this have no idea what is in it.
Here are the two most troublesome ingredients because they appear in substantial doses:
Synephrine. Basically speed. It can cause heart palpitations and make other wise healthy folks have heart attacks. Imagine if you are high risk!
Sucralose. is a chemical that is like sugar.. except way way worse. It will actually prevent you from losing weight and it will kill the micro flora in your stomach.
Women could experience "other" problems while taking this chemical cocktail. BTW did I mention the above chems are NOT regulated by the FDA.
Consider yourself Warned. Thrive can hurt you.. Badly.