Someguys Perpetual Parabolic SCROG Cabinet grow (trying to actually keep a journal)


Well-Known Member
Update! This about 3 weeks veg in the cabinet. They get one more week and I will flip the light to 12/12. They have been growing quite a bit. Last time this strain did a little more than double in size during flower. My hope is to fill the cab wall to wall. There were ph problems last week but I have it fixed and they are rockin! :) Enough BS. here it is:




Well-Known Member
So you're going for more vertical scrog up the back wall this time?
up the back and sides as much as I can. :) I am giving them a 4th week of veg to get healthier and then will flip. So.... I think mid next week they will get flipped.


Well-Known Member
Will be interesting to see the effect of the new light position. Guess that's why I'm still subscribed :D. It's fun to watch a dialed in system get tweaked!


Well-Known Member
Will be interesting to see the effect of the new light position. Guess that's why I'm still subscribed :D. It's fun to watch a dialed in system get tweaked!

Thanks for sticking around. :) I still mess up though. They are not as healthy as they should be cuz I fucked up on ph when changing nutrients. Ordering a new meter and tds today too. even when you got it down... you dont...LOL


Well-Known Member
booya! and the fun begins...AGAIN! :weed: :-o :bigjoint: bongsmilie
Yup, last time with this cabinet. :) It is fixing to be the best yet. I just got some EarthJuice microblast to add to my aresenal...LOL Seems to be helping with the deficiencies I had... Also got new ph and tds meters, helps to have working meters...LOL


Well-Known Member
Welll.... LOL.. I have been damn busy! Hardly any time to do updates, barely able to keep up with the growth going on in the cabinet. I am having trouble keeping it tied down and back! Had to just straight remove some bud site areas to keep it from getting too dense. They are growing at literally inches a day. I will try to snap some pictures soon. This is end of week one / start of week two for me and I still get several more weeks of stretch. I expect good things this time around since these are just monster plants. Trying very hard to finish my other grow bin since the clones are in 4oz cups and growing at a crazy rate too.

I am having trouble getting my availability to match up enough with lights on time to take some photos.. hopefully before two weeks into flower is up. I promise something soon. :)


Well-Known Member

Tuesday will be 2weeks into flower. They have had a dose of Bud-Blood the first week and now have Big Bud in the cocktail from here till start of week five. Then it will be Overdrive. These pictures are just after tying down and cleaning up under the screen. I have to take vegetation away or it will just get too thick and not allow the proper amount of air to pass through the screen. They are going up the walls pretty good at this point, probably another week to two of stretching and then the buds should start to really pack on. I am excited for this round, these plants are really quite big. PH and TDS meter are helping a ton, glad I bought some new ones. :)

Sorry for lack of continual updates, this is prob. going to be the last grow I document from here on. I hope the information in this journal will remain to help others do as I have done.

Enjoy the pics. :)




Well-Known Member
Looks good man, May be your biggest yet.
Have you noticed any difference in the growth on the bottom screen with the light vertical and all?