sour cream having yellowing issue of leaves fast yellowing! please help

phenix white

Active Member
ok i got a sour cream 7 weeks into flowering budding is great in fact the plant has done tremendously ! but at 4 weeks i started gettin alota yellowing of my leaves middle and bottom of plant no top leafs yellowing but i do notice the green is fading thou ..ok at 4 weeks id takken the N way down to like 2- so i tablespooned w fine lime a gal. and i increased the N well it seems the yellowing slowed down alot id get 1 or 2 leaves falling off every 2-3 days but now at 7 weeks into flowering the leaves are like yellowing fast almost over nite..i will say i had a horrible eperience with greenhouse super silver haze recently..i hd a mother plant just turn to grey mold shit ..i ttok cloens from her and they to had the CB rot grey mold..never budded rite and were so flimsey and mush it was gross! im hoping it didnt spread to my sour cream i had them togather but i took it away and cleaned up my room in case it was cantagious or affecting my good ol sour cream.. well i am asking for help opinons or facts??? is the yellowing because of its late flowering? i think it was the N in the begging and it jus never fully recoverd and now a natrual yellowing process of late budding is setting in as well ..please help


Well-Known Member
man i just tryed to grow this...did great till i put it i flower and gave it some nutrients..then it yellowed out and died..must be super sensitive to nutrients...

phenix white

Active Member
what u give her what happend? how much? did it budd for you or jus die????
man i just tryed to grow this...did great till i put it i flower and gave it some nutrients..then it yellowed out and died..must be super sensitive to nutrients...


Well-Known Member
i was using crapy miracle grow..and i thought i was going easy with did start budding out..

phenix white

Active Member
aweee lesson learned then huh!?! haha i had tried MG organic killed burnt up my warlock!!! i am using alska fish ferts natrual cose to organic i could get this grow! but yea i use alska fish fert 2-2-2 and blooming feed and the morbloom..i will say i think the morbloom is crazy and scary has to much bad stuff in it cancer causing stuff
i was using crapy miracle grow..and i thought i was going easy with did start budding out..


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got some DNA sour cream. Not started yet so glad I happened to run up on this thread. So you guy say it sensitive to nutes?


Well-Known Member
I grew this and had the exactly same problem! all tough it was in soil and it was my first time growing, she looked soo good in vegg and then into flowing about 3-4 weeks she start going all yellow and i tough she is going to die and wont bud, butt gues what! every single leave was yellow by 7th week lol and she still budded great, i cut her down on week 9 dryed cured and smoked, and woow i loved it, the taste is very lemon and so beautiful, the high is a very sativa high you feel very very stoned butt you dont get lazy !! im deffo going to grow it again on my next run but this time im going to grow her in canna coco and make sure she gets plenty off magnesium and calcium and i will deffenly go eazy on the nutes, i would recommend topping her for more yield and she will stay very very short!!!