SouthEastern Kentucky, Growing in the Mountains


Hey RIU, I've been outa the forum scene for a while now and RIU is where I thought I'd make my new home.

It's a little far in the season and my plants are all sexed but I guess starting now is better than starting later.

My plants are all Un-Topped and growing in 100% organic home-made soil with lots of rooting space.

* My soil is a 50%-50% mixture of mulched wood-fines and horse shit, In my opinion you can't get any better.
* The strains are Afghan Kush, Pakistan Valley Kush and some mixed Hazes...

Plants were started around the first of March thru the middle of March...

So here we go, Some pictures of my ladies... I'll be updating weekly or more if anything worth posting about happens...


There all doing pretty great at the moment but I have to keep an eye on them because of the bore worms.
When one of the plants does get a worm in it there is usually two holes, I'll get a long piece of seed grass and feed it into the bottom hole slowly working my way up toward the top hole. The worm will almost always try to make its way out of the top whole and when the little bastard does I'll pinch its head and pull it out of the stalk or branch while killing the devil worm...

Keep an eye on your babies guys, Every morning and evening I check my plants from top to bottom so I can hopefully catch the worms before they can do to much damage...

Updates in a few...

Keep it Green RIU!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome. You are the closest person, geographically speaking, to me. So I will be interested to see what you got going on and the problems you encounter.


Looks awesome. You are the closest person, geographically speaking, to me. So I will be interested to see what you got going on and the problems you encounter.
Well then Hello neighbor! :)
Hopefully there won't be to many problems encountered, Keeping my fingers crossed.

They look great man. Whatever you're doing keep it up.
Thanks man, Plenty of root space and great soil mixture... Not to mention leaving them alone and letting them do their thing...

Looking good! Those are some tall plants already!
Thank you, I like 'em big and bushy... I never top my plants unless it's purely for stealth, I try to tell my friends to try letting them go but some people just swear by topping...
They are nearly all showing sex but the only Pakistan Valley Haze(Pakistan valley Kush x Mekong Haze F2)is not showing yet but I expect it to show late and finish later than the rest. The Pakistan Valley Haze is a little cross of mine that I've been working on, Their good indoors or out...


Active Member
doin a super job! and the precious time you have to actually take as close to 100% care! REP and welcome to the good ol RIU community!


Well-Known Member
Nice plants RNC!! My bros have been growin out there for 2 generations and have some killer skunk they've grown for 30 years. They grow some monsters out there in those hills! Good to have you here:peace:


Nice plants RNC!! My bros have been growin out there for 2 generations and have some killer skunk they've grown for 30 years. They grow some monsters out there in those hills! Good to have you here:peace:
Thanks EvlMunkee :)
My father passed it on to me and got his knowledge from an old Vietnam Veteran that brought back some Mekong Delta genetics that we've been growing for many years...
The genetics are a very nice and hardy Mekong Haze that I have made a few very successful crosses with, At the moment I'm working my Pakistan Valley Haze F2(Mekong Haze x Paki Valley Kush)seems to be doing great...
I usually do all of my genetic experiments indoors but when the time rolls around I love to grow under the Kentucky Sun...




Well-Known Member
Nice plants.I always wondered about growing out there,seems like conditions would be great.My uncle has always wanted me to move out there with him.But I know growing in kentucky is risky well compared to cali.


I woke up to a terrible noise that nearly every MJ grower hates to hear, A helicopter buzzing over and it came over a second time the next day, It didn't slow down over my crop or anything but it made me paranoid...

So, I had 10 very big females and I cut 4 of the smallest ones and tied the remaining 6 down...
All of the branches and tops have turned up so I can make the 6 plants produce enough to make up for the 4 that I cut down...

The 4 that I cut will go to hash...

The empty grow spaces that I have now will go to use as well, I have a Thai x Haze F2 that I've been working on its a 100% Auto-flower. The Thai is a land-race Autoflower from Thailand that I received as a gift from a Thai friend...

I'll post pictures tomorrow, I can use the gained space though...
I'll start on the hash tonight, I get toasted off that shit and my buddies give me $25 a gram for it too... :)


Well-Known Member
that's messed up dude! Ky can be bad like that. I hope it works out for you.
that's cool about the thai haze though. I've never heard of a thai auto. how long does it take to grow out? ...and what is the potency like?


that's messed up dude! Ky can be bad like that. I hope it works out for you.
that's cool about the thai haze though. I've never heard of a thai auto. how long does it take to grow out? ...and what is the potency like?
Yeah here in Ky we have to be stealthy and my 7ft MJ plants just weren't that
I knew I would eventually have to tie them down and get rid of a few, Its not a big problem I have 6 very big females and now since their tied down I can make all of the buds top bud size...

The Thai Haze takes from 100-140 days according to root space, The potency is similar to that of the best. I went through nearly every AF out there and just did not like the size or potency, When I got hold of the AF Thai I knew that I had something. The potency was there but I just wanted the yield to be there as well. I had some spanish AF genetics in my collection from a very great breader named Mossy, I had his Purple AK-47 that was potent and yielded very good. So I made a cross and got a very potent high yielding AF, It takes longr than the usual AF's but it is just much better than the rest.
Even the smaller Thai Hazes that I finished in 2gallon pots produce around 1/4lb and take 90-100 days... The ones that i've grown in 5gallons take around 110-140 days and produce around 5-7 ounces. There just isnt any other AF's out there that yield like that not to mention a lot of the AF's smoke like hemp...

Back to my little Helicopter problem...
I now don't have to worry and I a lot of space for the girls to spread their wings, Already they've doubled in size and are loving the elbow room. So instead of a bunch of medium size girs I have a misdemeanor amount of giants...
Really I didn't mean to have so many but I just had good luck this year. Every seed I planted came up and none died or got eaten, All of them showed female and I just can't bring myself to cut a perfectly good female plant. But I knew that I'd need to get rid of some and I now have just the best of the lot...

Peace guys...


We had like 4 big ass thunder storms all in 3 days, All lasted all day...
Little bit of flash flooding and lots of fuckin wind but still living and so are the girls...


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Still keeping the worms at bay, Killing their asses everyday. Skewering them has been the best way so far but I'm looking for products to stop them from even taking the first bite. Trying to be 100% organic just can't happen in the real world and I've figured that out fast so maybe some light chemicals...???...


Oh hell, I've forgotten that Sunbiz1 has already suggested an Insect-Barrier...

I'll have to try it, Seems the best product for my problem...

Thanks agin Sunbiz1!:clap:


And these fucking Pot Choppers are just burning the hell out of fuel this year...

I feel safe though, Tank GOD for paranoia :)