SouthEastern Kentucky, Growing in the Mountains


New Member
Dude! These things are monsters! Im from Southeastern Ky myself, been growing for 5 years.. But none of my grows have ever looked half the size of these! I tried some compost this year, but doesnt seem to be doing anything different than last year when I just used garden soil. I use Superthrive Root booster when I transplant, and once more in the middle of veggie.. Seems to do wonders for my plants.. But nothing compared to this. I gotta know, is it the sunlight they are getting or just really good soil, nutes, and a great grower?

ky man

Well-Known Member
Long over due update, Been able to keep the worms at bay and they just growing and budding like hell...

I was very fortunate to have given my little cousin 50 of my Thai Haze#47 F3 seeds and he kept everyone of them. I lost all of my stash last year so he felt sorry enough for me to give them all back, I'm glad he's to damn lazy to grow a

So here we go -----------UPDATE PICTURES---------- WOOT!!!

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Thanks fore the views and kind words...

Anything I could improve on or just say hi, Come on by...

I would cage them plants so they hold up the buds weight or you will loose a lot this fall and I also would top them to get moor weight and pinch the limbs..jmo..but its your grow and it looks good for at the web sit and help all us ky, people..........KENTUCKINS FOR MEDICINAL MARIJUANA..........THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR YOUR RITE TO GROW LEGAL AND MINE..BUY A T SHIRT..thank

ky man

Well-Known Member
Thanks man!
Kentucky grows some good smoke man but it aint nothing like Humbolt, Ca...
A lot of the old school guys like to use the natural soil from the mountain sides with their plots, The natural soil is good but it can"t make plants grow like mine do. I've got an infinite supply of mulch (60% horse manure-40% wood fines) and man that shit is steroids for plants, Its very light and airy so the roots just penetrate straight through it as deep as they want. I use hardly no nutrients except for the Fox Farms 3 part plant food and I only use it 6-8 times starting at the 30 day mark and stopping at first sign of flowering. My dad thinks that I should use more for a longer period of time but it would just be over kill and I think eventually it would cause nutrient lockout...

The old school growers round these parts don't use any Top Shelf genetics either, At one time their genetics were probably pure and vigorous but now their shit is nothing more than Low Grade shwag most of the time. There are only a handful of old timer growers that have quality shit, I have tried to help them out by giving them some good seeds but they bunk it up everytime. They'll have awesome quality plants going but they don't understand how the breeding works and they'll cut out all of the males as soon as they show sex and then later in the season when the buds are developing they'll take fucking bagseed unknown genetics and pollinate their crop for next years seeds. Needless to say that they ruin the genetics and they don't even select the better phenotypes and I have given up on them and I just take over their end of the market with my high grade fire-herb.

Update pictures tomorrow, Keep it green RIU!!!!
YOU just have not meet any of the old growers from these parts there beans are great and so is there weed.And I know you like your soil mix but its not nothing like the good growers use they was growing befor you was born.I my sealf been growing over 40 years and use a LOT betear soil mix then you said you use..happy growing to you but if you every meet the rite ky, grower he will teach you a trick or two how to grow I said I like your grow but you my frind have a lot to learn to catch up with theses old grower in ky where iam from..