special case .. please help


lets say you're living near a fucking military base or in our case a settelment.

would a 600 HPS light or more be suspecious at anyway? i know that they produce alot of heat but we already have to cool it down so no worries about thermal scan or what ever. but my question is, the amout of light that a single bulb produces, would it be scanned in a way or something?

i dunno i might be tripping but i am living in palestine.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i dont think the IDF is looking for weed gardens, and the shit they are looking for doesnt make heat so much as explosions.

all in all i would not risk it since most islamic sects (including Hezzbollah) take a dim view of dope on this side of paradise.

maybe theres another palestinian grower who can give you better advice but i would consider CFL's rather than HID's just to reduce the possibility of attracting attention.

good luck bro, that region really needs the mother herb badly.


Well-Known Member
You live in Palestine?...Isn't Marijuana classified as haraam.? Better check with your Cleric's.
I doubt your country is as liberal as the West, if you are caught.
But, I could be wrong.
Good Luck



well CFL's seems a bit safer i guess, even tho i hate flowering on CFL's but i guess we have to do it.

and I'm not a muslim for gods sake. And isn't it a sin for christians as well? and believe it or not, no body gives a shit about it here besides the IDF. cuz i think alot of people make money from it and they wanna stop that.

i dont have enough budget for LEDs..

well thanks for the advise! wish me luck


Well-Known Member
I dunno about palestine, but in the uk if you live near an r.a.f base (which I do) and your using hid's. If they fighter jets are flying by and their flir detects an abnormal heat source. They will pass it on to the authorities. Like I said I don't know about where you are, but the typhoon fighter jets I have roaring past my gaff 24/7 never switch their video equipment off