
Well-Known Member
Its going to be close but steelers got it!

Lol who am I kidding, the steelers are gonna rape everything thats living in that stadium!!

Whos doing the music for it? btw


Well-Known Member
Steelers over Pack 28-19.

Steeler secondary is a key. By far our achilles heal. If Troy has a big game, Steelers win. Also, Harrison is going to fuck Rodgers up.


Well-Known Member
I am a little surprised that Steelers are the underdog in this one (although it's only 2.5 or 3 pts). I am predicting Steelers win, 27-20


Active Member
I agree with you FOUR secondary is key we know we can stop the run secondary need to by a little time to let harrison shred rodgers!! I like your score better.

On a side note here is my new bubbler. first pic is old cracked on bottom it hit smooth. Second is the new and it hits gnarly still smooth but tubing is so much bigger all around.
New one is sweet.



Well-Known Member
I like the second double. It Will come in handy on Sunday I'm sure. Deeproots... When am i supposed to go to the bathroom? I mean I'm not going to miss a minute of the game but I sure am hell not going to miss a commercial either. What a predicament we have!


Well-Known Member
Your opinion for sure! I have alot of great times with friends and family not only watching sporting events on TV but going to them as well. I do alot of other thing than just set and watch TV. I am actually meeting family that i have not seen in years in vegas going to be alot of fun!
I do think you need to start a thread "YOUR OPINION OF TV" and express all you want.
One funny thing a can see a comic strip of you saying "Tv is a waste of time" as you toke on a bowl typing a bunch of crap under TOKE and TALK. Enjoy your day and thanks for your opinion
Yes, but the tv is not the cause of your "great times", it's just a reason to get together. You could have had just as much of a good time hiking or bike riding, it's the people and the common interest. TV has nothing to do with it. Take it out of the equation, and you would still be having good times.


Active Member
Yes, but the tv is not the cause of your "great times", it's just a reason to get together. You could have had just as much of a good time hiking or bike riding, it's the people and the common interest. TV has nothing to do with it. Take it out of the equation, and you would still be having good times.
Correct but the game on tv brought us together for the great time.Without the game being on we probably would not be getting toghter until PRES weekend. We have a great time either way we bike, camp, camp and dirtbike ride, spend time at the lake sometime we take the boat out, snowboard, ski we do a little of everything and enjoy sometime we watch the game on tv when we are out doing these things.
I do feel i waste more time on this computer in this thread typing a hole lot of nothing. Kinda of like you do. BUT! I am OK with it because it is one form of entertainment that I enjoy. And it seems like you enjoy. I am not going to sit here and tell you that you are wrong and wasting your time because to each there own.
There is nothing wrong with TV or the game being on TV.


Well-Known Member
They both suck. This will be the first superbowl since birth i wont be watching. But to be on topic i say steelers cause i cant stand the thought of the packers going the distance. I literally just cringed


Active Member
I think this will be one of the better superbowls! Two great franchises with alot of great fans. You are are either a ravens fan or a bears fan or just mad because neither team has cheerleaders. I did miss one superbowl and it was a year the ravens were there. It will be a great game suprised steelers are underdogs.


Well-Known Member
Go Pack go. how funny would it be if Rodgers got another concussion and couldnt play anymore and they got favre to come back next year :) just kidding Rodgers is awesome


Well-Known Member
I don't like either team, but I like the Steelers less
...So Go Packers....
the score will be 38-22 for those of you who need to make taht last minute

in 2015 it will be the Lions
Packers 27-14
brats, cheese, and great beer shipped from green bay.
key to the game....cmon, Mr. Greg Jennings. Oh and dont forget about Clay, oh and BJ, oh and every single player on GB.