Stupid things that drivers do


Active Member
da biggest dipshitz r TAILGATERZ like U who dont know how to follow at a safe distance. u xpect people 2 drive unsafely or at high speedz n act like u own da road. well if u werent in a big fuckin hurry to get nowhere n would drove a reasonable speed u wouldnt have 2 bitch. u shoud go back 2 driverz ed n learn about not tailgating n how to follow da speed limitz n rulez of da road.
My eyes are fucking bleeding

Straight up G

New Member
da biggest dipshitz r TAILGATERZ like U who dont know how to follow at a safe distance. u xpect people 2 drive unsafely or at high speedz n act like u own da road. well if u werent in a big fuckin hurry to get nowhere n would drove a reasonable speed u wouldnt have 2 bitch. u shoud go back 2 driverz ed n learn about not tailgating n how to follow da speed limitz n rulez of da road.
I can't read it, I don't speak 12.


Active Member
People who have no depth perception should get the fuck off of the road. I hate when I'm on my motorcycle and someone sees my giant bright headlight coming down a 55mph street and they wait until the last second, pull in front of me, then go slow... almost putting me through their window.

But go ahead, slow fuck drivers who have no depth perception... laugh up the fact that you almost killed me with your idiocy and brake check me when I honk. Because it's much more funny socking your fucking mirror off with carbon fiber knuckles, and then split traffic at a red light and leave you with a $300 repair bill, and no license plate to report. Smart fuck.
LOL gotta love bikes if u ave plated gloves its really easy to punch in a back window if ur super pissed tat will teach those stupid fucks n even at that is the eyes of the law the biker is always in the wrong its bs
LOL gotta love bikes if u ave plated gloves its really easy to punch in a back window if ur super pissed tat will teach those stupid fucks n even at that is the eyes of the law the biker is always in the wrong its bs

when im ridin i alwayz carry a big ball peen hammer w long handle 2 smack disrespectfull assholez who get 2 close or dont know how 2 look in there mirrorz.


Active Member
lol I have a Peugeot 106 a european small car... the funny thing is when im drivin in the fast lane everyone tailgates me coz they think the car is slow....
the magical thing is its a 1.1liter model but iv done a few things.. gti engine, breaks ect ect but the shell is still the banged up old car untill i put my foot down!!!
the amount of retards in there cars thinking they can boss me around on the road but when it comes to the crunch i piss all over them... trust me its a funny sight to see what appears to be a banger overtaking and leaving honda's n all jeeps lol
the point is looks can be deciving no matter what car/bike what ever is on the road treat is with respect!!!
if they disrespect u ... well karma baby!

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
u act it tho. straight up G????? lol bitch pleaze wut da fuckz da g stand for? GAY?
You prove your case not when you use gay as an insult. 6th grade, sounds like you. Either that, or you roll with the idiot crew. Even though this guy is Canadian and joking, I'm pretty sure this is what your life is like in Jersey, boi.

lol I have a Peugeot 106 a european small car... the funny thing is when im drivin in the fast lane everyone tailgates me coz they think the car is slow....
the magical thing is its a 1.1liter model but iv done a few things.. gti engine, breaks ect ect but the shell is still the banged up old car untill i put my foot down!!!
the amount of retards in there cars thinking they can boss me around on the road but when it comes to the crunch i piss all over them... trust me its a funny sight to see what appears to be a banger overtaking and leaving honda's n all jeeps lol
the point is looks can be deciving no matter what car/bike what ever is on the road treat is with respect!!!
if they disrespect u ... well karma baby!

true dat if only i had a penny 4 every disrespectful asshole who tailgated me while i waz already goin 10 over da limit i could retire early.

Straight up G

New Member
lol I have a Peugeot 106 a european small car... the funny thing is when im drivin in the fast lane everyone tailgates me coz they think the car is slow....
the magical thing is its a 1.1liter model but iv done a few things.. gti engine, breaks ect ect but the shell is still the banged up old car untill i put my foot down!!!
the amount of retards in there cars thinking they can boss me around on the road but when it comes to the crunch i piss all over them... trust me its a funny sight to see what appears to be a banger overtaking and leaving honda's n all jeeps lol
the point is looks can be deciving no matter what car/bike what ever is on the road treat is with respect!!!
if they disrespect u ... well karma baby!
You know it bro this is my whip


Well-Known Member
Sometimes a POS car is a POS. Stay the fuck outta the fast lane if you can't drive past 85. Otherwise a dick like me might ram you off the road ;)

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Sometimes a POS car is a POS. Stay the fuck outta the fast lane if you can't drive past 85. Otherwise a dick like me might ram you off the road ;)
Sometimes a POS will blow your ass away... looks don't always give it away... 99% of the time, it's the driver, not the vehicle, that rules the road.

Oh yeah, forgot to say, safe and sensible driving rules the road. Speed is a factor, but there are others. 85 in anything better than VERY LIGHT traffic is completely retarded, sorry.

Straight up G

New Member
Sometimes a POS car is a POS. Stay the fuck outta the fast lane if you can't drive past 85. Otherwise a dick like me might ram you off the road ;)
Hope your not talking to me because unless your driving a supercar I'll tear the ass off whatever you drive in my "POS" ride.


Well-Known Member
eh, in real life, I'll just pass your ass. lol. Sorry I should be all political correct and shit and say how good it is to be a safe driver. Maybe it's just socal lifestlye, but god damn I get pissed on the drive home when I'm stuck behind a slow poke. lol and what's sad its not like I'm driving to some bad ass party. All i'm doing is hurry my ass up to get home so I can toke.

Straight up G

New Member
eh, in real life, I'll just pass your ass. lol. Sorry I should be all political correct and shit and say how good it is to be a safe driver. Maybe it's just socal lifestlye, but god damn I get pissed on the drive home when I'm stuck behind a slow poke. lol and what's sad its not like I'm driving to some bad ass party. All i'm doing is hurry my ass up to get home so I can toke.
Why don't you quote who your talking to, what do you drive?