Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff


Well-Known Member
plant it and see what happens. just wanted to quickly throw my vote in, everyones talkin about cheese strains. get ur hands on So Gouda! i tried it in ams, i was at bluebird, i asked the guy if it was good and he was like "its soooo gooda!"
rofl anyway he was right.


Active Member
BUMP BUMP on the female seed scenario?????

Also, its been 8 days since I took clones for my very first time off of my super lemon haze. I have a DWC clone setup with lots of bubbles, some clonex gel, small amount of bloom nutes and BAM, roots on 6 out of 7 clones in 7 days... !!!! Im so excited. My garden is growing and Im about to finally be ready for a veg and bloom room. I started with 2 seeds and two plants and not I have 17 girls total that are thriving. All in 2 1/2 months!!!!!!

I hear the CHEESE is bomb, but if it really smells like cheese doesnt it kinda remind you of funky feet when smoking?


Active Member

Thanks for the help with the nutrient calculator. Thank god I have a ppm meter. Got it off ebay for like 25$ or something.

I started using distilled water and spring water again.

Soon Im gonna get a RO filter syste.

What type of water are you all using?


Active Member

Did I read somewhere that you run young veg plants around 400-600 or so and 1300PPM for flowering????? Was this with the SLH strain? Ive head some people taking their straings to 2000ppm.
Everytime I hit 1000 I start to tell my baby's dont like it.


Active Member
Been following this thread on and off for a bit and decided to get 5 GHS SLH (fem) seeds. All germinated (took about 4-5 days), and all are just over a week old now (closet grow w/400MH for veg, HPS for flower). Lots of good tips and grow and smoke reports on here. Anyway, very much looking forward to growing this one out. It's my 2nd grow (though I've smoked for 20 years or so). I grew out 10 Arjan Haze #3 this summer. Started them outdoors but had to finish them inside (I'm in Canada) as they flowered for 16 weeks. Thought they'd never finished. Anyway, I've been bitten hard by the sativa bug, and these SLH are getting the good reviews. Will post some picks when things get a bit more worthy.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hey steampick, welcome to the thread :) congrats on a great purchase ;) share some pics when u get things rolling, ask any questions we're a friendy bunch over here :)


Active Member
Thanks for the welcome. I'll get some pics up, but right now it's just some wee plants in pots in my walk-in closet. I suspect things will get interesting in a month or so.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
show off ur yins ;) label them up and take cuttings nearer to flowering time, theres some random pheno's on the slh, hopefully u will get a good one that you can run again, if u wanted to of course :) but i'm sure u will once u've tried it, i've had my clone going for well over a year now :)

good luck with ur grow

Las :leaf:


Active Member

Here is my SLH week 4 of veg.
I have been running low nutes until a few days ago I brought her near 1000 and shes loving it.

Also, I have ROOTS on my SLH clones. I took 8 clones and 7 have roots already and its been 9 days.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Lovin the lemon love over here you guys LOL! Yep theres a keeper for everyone in these seeds. Good luck on finding yours Steampick. Alganj your plants are coming along nicly. Does the SLH you pick up have the lemon smell and taste?


Active Member
Thanks GG. I'm used to the variety in the GHS strains. The Arjan Haze 3 had a few too. One smelled very lemony, and others very peppery, and some right in the middle. Probably the same for the SLH. Even at a 10 days from germ, some leaves are broad, others a bit thinner. I doubt I'll do cloning off of anything, though. If at the end its really is "super" lemon haze, I'll get 5 more and clone from that.


Well-Known Member
Where do you guys put SLH in terms of potency? Cause last night she about blew me head off haha!


Active Member

It sure did...

It was very strange to come across it in such a small town I live in.

It had a VERY DIFFERENT taste than anything Ive ever smoked b4. lemony taste, very very smooth and when you exhale, again, the strangest low key lemon taste ever.

produced a head high, not so couchlocked . I had lots of energy and could function. I was high as a kite. The ONLY thing I DONT LIKE about the SLH is that when Im high as a kite,
I could be in the middle of a conversation with someone and totally forget what we are discussing.

I must have asked my friend, "what are we talking about again damnit" He laughed everytime. I felt like an old person with Alzheimers.


Active Member
Okay, here are some pics of my little closet grow of SLH. This is 11 days after they popped through the soil. At what point is it okay to start giving them nutrients. I have some iguana juice for veg fert. Man, that stuff reeks. There should be a warning on that stuff, like, "May Smell Like Iguana Shit That's Gone Bad."

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Thanks GG. I'm used to the variety in the GHS strains. The Arjan Haze 3 had a few too. One smelled very lemony, and others very peppery, and some right in the middle. Probably the same for the SLH. Even at a 10 days from germ, some leaves are broad, others a bit thinner. I doubt I'll do cloning off of anything, though. If at the end its really is "super" lemon haze, I'll get 5 more and clone from that.
Hey man I recommend the cloning. What if you get super dank! (like I did) and you don't score on the same pheno next round. I'm sure the lemons your looking for are in thouse 5 lol.

Okay, here are some pics of my little closet grow of SLH. This is 11 days after they popped through the soil. At what point is it okay to start giving them nutrients. I have some iguana juice for veg fert. Man, that stuff reeks. There should be a warning on that stuff, like, "May Smell Like Iguana Shit That's Gone Bad."
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Nice start... I wouldn't give em anything for at least a week or two. Let the soil do it job for now.

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Where do you guys put SLH in terms of potency? Cause last night she about blew me head off haha!
I'd say a B+ or A. But it's more in the head for me so it's hard for me to rate it's potency. For some reason I think strains that knock your dick in the dirt are the potent ones. I know that's not a good way to determine it but....

It sure did...

It was very strange to come across it in such a small town I live in.

It had a VERY DIFFERENT taste than anything Ive ever smoked b4. lemony taste, very very smooth and when you exhale, again, the strangest low key lemon taste ever.

produced a head high, not so couchlocked . I had lots of energy and could function. I was high as a kite. The ONLY thing I DONT LIKE about the SLH is that when Im high as a kite,
I could be in the middle of a conversation with someone and totally forget what we are discussing.

I must have asked my friend, "what are we talking about again damnit" He laughed everytime. I felt like an old person with Alzheimers.
LOL I know what you mean. I love the happy buzz this weed gives me but if there is a down side it's that! Smoke to much and it mind fucks you stupid.. Haha. Well worth the energy just don't go take a test while high on it. That's cool you can grab sacks of it haven't even heard of it down here yet.


Well-Known Member
I harvested my SLH and got a whopping (dry) 5.5 oz. I am so stoked, but she was not from great genetics. She has some lemon taste, no purple buds and no super up high that usually is associated with SLH. None the less here is the harvest

Ganja Geek

Active Member
Oh man five and a half that badass bro! AND taste like lemons! I'd rep ya if I could. So if not a happy head high then what? Couchlock?