SuperCloset, Sea of Green


Well-Known Member
Yeah, like all the Asian chicks around we could
distinguish their faces anyway...

I'm not that complacent about that dude...I've done my
research and know my shit...


Well-Known Member WW just woke up to their 35th day of
flower. Yes, the leaves are burnt, but the buds are loving
this 600w bulb...It's going to be very potent stuff.

My Blueberry mothers were getting clostrophobic, so I moved them
into my closet SoG...They look ratty because they have been crammed
in my veg. chamber for a few months, but should bush out quite a
bit in the following weeks...

My new BB mothers, and the rest of my clones I have no where
to put right now...

I'll let these girls flower for a few days and get some nice close-ups
when they fatten up a bit...


Well-Known Member
drool drool drool. look sweet, have you ever tried crossing the bb with anything. heard the bb smoke is damn good as it is though.


Well-Known Member
The BB smoke is damn good as it is...and yes, I have
crossed a couple girls with White Widow, and should
be getting some Blue Widow beans soon...


Well-Known Member
yo guessing mothers and clones dont need much lighting huh?

would you add or not add white paint/mylar to a mother and daughter area?


Well-Known Member
It could not hurt...I guess it depends on light exposure giving
one's setup. You can see I only house two mothers at a time
for now, so these dual 80w fleuro's put out more than enough
clones for my setup.

If you have more space for mothers and clones, give them all
the light and reflection they can handle.


Well-Known Member

so got computer fans all around?

im still deciding on my venting and cooling options for the closet.

you say the computer fans are fine? intake AND exhaust? they actually keep that 600 watt cool?

another question.... on that 3rd pic... im guessing (from left to right in the pic) that the silver thing... is the exhaust? the carbon scrubber is connected to the exposed fan in the first pic.... and the last tube on the 3rd pic is the intake for the lights right?


Well-Known Member
There are two computer fans, but It would been better
if they included an exhaust fan for my light. With the glass
over it, the one fan works fine though.

The aluminum L tube is the intake for the light, and
the far right is the exhaust. Yes, the filter is connected
to the middle fan.


Well-Known Member
what about the intake for you mother and daughter cabin?

any idea what rpm or cfm those fans are? could you tell me the numbers on the fan?


Well-Known Member
My bottom chamber is not exhausted through the back...I just use
that little fan to push stale air through the front when it's open, which
is only half the time because It's sealed up when my girls are flowering.
The air-flow is not ideal for my mothers, but this serves the purpose
of slow growth, and they always look healthy.

Here is where I assume my fans were bought...Sunon Fans - SP100A-1123XBT.GN - Allied Electronics


Well-Known Member
and one more question.... on your lights...

do you have a fan blowing on the lights? or exhausting the lights?

or nothing at all? that glass just keeps the temps down?


Well-Known Member
The in-line fan in the first pic is blowing air into the reflector and
onto the exhaust fan pulling the air. On the new model
there is...the price also went up $200 too.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update...

Day 40 now for my WW.
I did not mention that I seeded that WW on the left. Much of the
development has gone into the seeds as you can see the buds are
suffering on her.

The Blueberry mothers I recently put into flower are responding now...

Be back in a few...


Well-Known Member
excellent work man. I love coming to your journal. little tidbits of info to pick up here and there. thanks for your dligence and sharing! walk on......the path is clear and bright!