SuperCloset, Sea of Green


Well-Known Member
looking lovely ass always , i''ve always been a fan of ur supercloset, i went ahead and bought a bloombox still waiting on it to arrive, lets see what i can get done with it


Well-Known Member
so you pollinated one plant or one branch,how did you do it and how long untill after polination could you expose it to the other plants i want to cross a blueberry with a rhino.but i think me 6 blueberry seeds are all female,but i hope not.and i think you asked if i really was a trapper,i sure was in northern canada by the hudsons bay for a few winters.


Well-Known Member
looking lovely ass always , i''ve always been a fan of ur supercloset, i went ahead and bought a bloombox still waiting on it to arrive, lets see what i can get done with it

Hey Majim, I'll be checkin up on you...Good luck with that box.

Trapper, I took out my WW male, one female and let
them go at it for a while. That whole WW plant will be
developed seeds and under developed buds.

I then took that WW male and two BB girls that were just
showing pistils. By just grazing them with some pollen, they
will develop a few Blue Widow seeds and some decent buds.

GL with your cross.


Well-Known Member
thnaks bro, every help would be greatly apreciated, i would love to see some results as u have seen them before, that blueberry u had made my mouth water


Well-Known Member
how soon could you put them back in with the other females with out worrying about them getting pollinated,


Well-Known Member
O yeah, missed that part. The WW girl that was fully pollinated was left
out for about 12 hours, and the BB girls I crossed were put back right
after because the pollen was induced with a q-tip, and had little
risk of spreading.


Well-Known Member
O yeah, missed that part. The WW girl that was fully pollinated was left
out for about 12 hours, and the BB girls I crossed were put back right
after because the pollen was induced with a q-tip, and had little
risk of spreading.
thanks,so did you leave a fan off them for a day or two.


Well-Known Member
blue widow....hmmmm..that has a cool ring to it. I was also looking at some blue moonshine you know any of the parentage on that strain? its supposed to be killer weed (described as narcotic like?), but I haven't found any info? I am seriously looking at getting nito the could be so fun!


Well-Known Member
It does sound fun as hell, I got 4 strains right now with like 8 seeeds per strain i got
from BDS - ICE and Haze 19 x Skunk and from Dutch Passion Blueberry and Brainstorm,
i could get some interesting cross from those variaties, i could only imagine
Majim's Berrystorm or BrainFrezze, SkunkBerry, blueice, etc... the possibilities are endless
jejejejjeejejjeeejeje i would love to see that


Active Member
Hey What up jonny! So i called about my closet and they said that it was going to be here on friday or monday... bout fuckin time... anyways, my roomy actually has started my female blueberry's about a month ago. They look ridiculously amazing, nice and fat stems with a slight fruit loop smell after you touch the leaves... anyways, i'm just going to take some clones from his and i wanted to top his plants and use those as my clones, my question is as long as the lovely ladies are still in vegitative stage, no matter how big, i can still top right??


Well-Known Member
Breed away Tahoe...I found a few seed pods on each
of the BB that's I crossed. They should be poppin out

My WW that I pollinated is already started to split pods
at day 42...These seeds are fat and much better than the
F1's I got in the mail. Pics when more finish...I should get
at least 200 seeds from this one hermie.

Hey Martin, good to hear about the closet and the Blueberry.
You can top any time during veg., but for clones make
sure they are a few inches...Like you probably already know.

GL with the grow dude.


Well-Known Member
blunt have you ever cloned BB a week into flowering.and how did it go,i want to clone some of the BB i have from seed they are 6 days into flowering,what do you think.


Well-Known Member
I cloned some BB a couple weeks into flower just as pistils were showing
a couple grows back. I vegged them for a few weeks, took some clones
from them, and then put them into flower. The clones from them were
completely reverted back to veg., and ended up being my mothers.

You probably saw this on my last grow, but here were my stunted clones
54 days in...



Well-Known Member
ya i remember your first one when they showed up with the crate at your apartment,i thought you flowered then found sex and cloned,so all was well then,they all rooted right.