

Well-Known Member
hey im growin outdoors in organic soil in florida and got this stuff called superthrive and was wonderin if its ne good
is plant hormones


Well-Known Member
i heard many of good things about that. very easy to use too much though so be careful. Im doing an organic grow as well and i passed on ST cuz i thought it wasnt organic? or am i just high?


Active Member
No, I don't think it's organic, but for what it's worth, I think it's the only reason my plants made it through a few hard spots early on. But I choose to believe, there's no control group to judge it by. And yea, less is more. Cause more is death.


Well-Known Member
If has a carbon molecule in it then it is organic and i believe that SuperThrive does. I use it for may seedlings before i start them on nutes. I use one drop per gallon of water. It is very concentrated so be careful not to over do it. Remember with any nutes less is more.


Well-Known Member
ya i heard it will make it stronger so it can survive more BS
but apreciate input ima try it out


Well-Known Member
i use it and know of a few more growers who do works great,roots thrive give it a go.i started with 4 drops per gallon to check it and they craved more.and i put a drop in a 20 oz bottle and germinated and they were all up in 24 hours...peace



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i use 1tsp per 4gal. & water every other day. my girls seem to love it. am 70 days in. hope that helps


Active Member
I just bought a bottle of superthrive. I have a 400watt HPS/MH switchable ballast and its my first go at indoors. I have a plant well into the flowering stage, under a 400wattHPS bulb, its day 42 but I want it bigger so I bought this stuff. I dont want to fck it up tho so I used a little (1ml/4litres) on my younger ones and I will see how they go and if all is good I will introduce it to my hairy female. Has anyone used this and gotten better results than normal? I'm sick of paying 250 bucks for an ounce every week. Cheers..From Australia!!