surveillance cameras


Well-Known Member
They already make a product that's perfectly suited for this purpose - trail scouting cameras for hunters. They're small, some of them are even camouflaged, and they're designed to go weeks or even months without having to change or recharge the batteries. I'm giving serious thought to doing the same thing myself this year. Here, check out a few of the lower-cost models from one of my favorite outfitters -

One camera

Another camera!

These are just a couple of the lower-cost options, and if you really want to save a buck or two I've seen 'em go for much less than this on EBay. You could probably pick up 2 or 3 for less than a hundred dollars, if you shop carefully and aren't in any real hurry. I figure I won't really need any until later in the season, so I'll probably scoop a few up off the Bay over the next month or two.
thanks to this poster


Well-Known Member
Yeah i realize that our goals are different,i think its a kick ass idea,if some shit head kids or cops find your patch you'll know,my room is secure so all i really have to worry about is people lingering or snooping,my cameras broadcast 24/7 so i dont want anything strange on them,all it looks like if somebody looks at the broadcast is somebody watching their property.
sorry, my comment wasn't directed to you, panhead, but to 420vancouver.


Active Member
sounds good, except i'd be concerned with the flash going off, especially if you try to hide the camera possibly covering or messing with the light sensor or motion detector. Also they dont really state the range of the motion detector or its sensitivity


Active Member
I was just reading the description for "Another camera!" and it said it had auto flash, but you did say you would be taking the unit apart, seems like a bit of a waste, why not just paint the unit? seems like it's designed to be water proof/resistant which is why one would want to buy it in the first place. It would seem to me that a camera is the best bet for security and it would be damn cool, i've thought about it myself. How about some land mines ;) It seems like a bit of a waste to me, why not buy a GPS for the same price and find a tight location.


Well-Known Member
I was just reading the description for "Another camera!" and it said it had auto flash, but you did say you would be taking the unit apart, seems like a bit of a waste, why not just paint the unit? seems like it's designed to be water proof/resistant which is why one would want to buy it in the first place. It would seem to me that a camera is the best bet for security and it would be damn cool, i've thought about it myself. How about some land mines ;) It seems like a bit of a waste to me, why not buy a GPS for the same price and find a tight location.
thanks for the advice, but I'm confident with my fab skills. taking a unit apart wouldn't be a waste unless I broke it which I'm sure I won't do. most of the units to me just aren't stealthy enough even if painted.

technically, a GPS doesn't find you a 'tight location' I find my locations using google earth, toporama and plain old tracking and scouting. a GPS is mostly for marking waypoints and recording your track routes. don't worry, I have one either way. and my locations are 'hella tight', been using them for the last 9 years on and off. I've never been caught so far and I'd like to keep it that way and I owe it to my instincts. my instincts tell me investing in surveillance would not be a waste. and now that it looks to be more affordable now, I'd say it just makes sense!

oh and I don't have any landmines, but I do have a box of hand granades, ever see what a grenade can do on the ground? hehe, I don't ever have to dig holes in my plot again!


Active Member
Yup, sounds good then. Hmm.. well I'm with ya when you say a GPS alone wont get you a good location but I was going off the basis that you were already using google maps/maps in general.

BTW , do you know how to go about getting coordinates from google maps, or if you can do it with google earth? I found a couple remote lakes and water systems that would be excellent but I guess I don't have your tracking and scouting skills :P
Also I'm pretty sure it's along a logging road which I personally don't deem good or bad, yay or nay? Actually upon examination of the map the road ends and the trees seem fine around there, maybe they're getting ready to take 'em out.


Well-Known Member
Yup, sounds good then. Hmm.. well I'm with ya when you say a GPS alone wont get you a good location but I was going off the basis that you were already using google maps/maps in general.

BTW , do you know how to go about getting coordinates from google maps, or if you can do it with google earth? I found a couple remote lakes and water systems that would be excellent but I guess I don't have your tracking and scouting skills :P
Also I'm pretty sure it's along a logging road which I personally don't deem good or bad, yay or nay? Actually upon examination of the map the road ends and the trees seem fine around there, maybe they're getting ready to take 'em out.
your coordinates on google are in the bottom LH corner. you can either place your pointer to the spot and read it off the bottom of the screen or you can lock it in with the yellow thumbtack at the top of the screen. now take your GPS and upload those coordinates. check your coordinate settings, decimal or degrees (I prefer degrees).

now the hard part, follow your GPS to the coordinates. can't judge a potential grow spot from an overhead shot. you may not have the skills to scout but you better get used to it, otherwise how you gonna get to your grow spot in the first place? and be ready to do alotta hiking. for every 5 spots I check, I end up with only one. but that's just me. better safe than sorry. your spot sounds like it has some potential. logging roads and dirt roads are better than paved. but the only way to judge is to go there in person and scout it.


Active Member
Ya brotha, I'll report to you after my excursion ;) Installing google earth as i type; google maps didnt give me coordinates. The main thing that concerns me about the location is how to lug 30 bags of 3 gallon burlap bags filled with soil out, but hey it's worth it isn't it? :) I'm following Shamans burlap sac method cause it seems legitimately sIcK


Well-Known Member
if your in canada, check out toporama the highest detail maps online. shows known trails, some that don't exist on google, altitudes, bogs, mashes, even historical structures. if you can figure it out, you can make image overlays onto your google.



Active Member
Ya I will have to check it out, unfortunately my mac wont let any versions of google earth install and I assume those topographic views are part of the app. The images i get from google maps are much more clear allowing to see cars, fields, lakes, etc. Maybe you knew the image clarity when you commented earlier... What I assume to be fields could be overgrown with undesirable foliage, but the burlap sacks will make up for it I would think.
last week i spent quite a bit of time findings places i felt were good and worth the hike. here's an example... damn this image upload stuff is a hassle....haha 5 min later...
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire"></a>


Well-Known Member
ya they look pretty good. btw, google earth is just as clear as maps, those pics I posted aren't in high detailed areas. bonus for me, less ppl will bother to scout places on google maps/earth that are not that high a detail. when you go maybe even bring a ph tester or bring a soil sample back with you. maybe you won't need to lug in the bales of soil if the ground theres is good. my grow buddy/partner used to take soil samples from different levels near a proposed spot, and write their coordinates on the bottles to kknow where it came from. if we found a good soil patch, we'd only bring in soil additives rather than a heavy bale of mix. maybe you can canoe your supplies in? or maybe next year you can try tobogganing in your stuff in the winter. this winter I snowshoed into one of my spots pulling a toboggan . I got 2 60lbs bales of mix and misc. supplies per trip. try that on land in the spring