Sweet and Perfect everytime...


Just took these tonight, still have two weeks left.

As you can see the "fade" is just starting.

just water for next two weeks.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Plants look great, I've been starting to use organics more myself and my plants have never looked better.


Hey could you guys give more information about you organics ie mixture ratios soil, lime etc. thanks a mill:peace::roll:
There is no one size fits all mix. I use a very strong mix that most plants would not like, its similar to subcools mix....


Start with a good base ( I use fox farm ocean forest). some perlite(I use about 20%) Dolomite lime for sure(i use 2cups per 1.5cubic feet soil) then mix in what ever available organics you have such as bone meal, blood meal, kelp meal, feather meal...hell ALL the meals! Also bat guano and worm-castings are good. Just go light with all these things tell you see how the plants like it. Plan on supplementing with compost tea/guano tea/fish emulsion as needed.

I can't stress this enough...THERE IS NO EASY WAY TO FIGURE IT OUT!

Its going to take a few grows to get your mix right. You start off light and see at what point your plants "runs out of gas".

run out of nitrogen too fast? use more blood meal next time.

Run low on phosphorus during flowing? use more bone meal next time.

Magnesium(very common) or calcium deficiency? add more dolomite lime next time.

these are just a few examples. There are a lot of organics to choose from.

The point is you need to learn what YOUR particular strain likes. and that takes time and patience. If you learn to read your leaves right, the plant will tell you what it needs.

hope that helps


As promised, here are some pics just before I chop......

This is a perpetual grow. You can see some of the up and coming crops in the background of the next two pics.

I'll have to make a grow journal soon. Well... in a month or two maybe.:grin: It is that time of year after all. (busy as hell right now!)

Dr. VonDank

Active Member
Absolutely beautiful job brother----Those nugs looks sooooooooo tasty!!!--love the color fade... I love organics as well...


Well-Known Member
This shit looks amazing! Nice pretty purple blackish buds.
Extremely sexy girls. Definitely grew Lavender to its full potential, you got my props.