

Well-Known Member
So, I usually like to stay high all day and I've been doing this for quite some time until recently my tolerance has finally caught up to me and now I'm taking a break. I haven't smoked at all today and would like to know how many days I should take off. I have serious back pain throughout the day because of severe scoliosis and have some OCD issues that weed seems to help with. So, I need to take as little a break as necessary. Anyways, I've only been smoking heavily for almost a year, but I'm usually a light weight which is why I was surprised to find my tolerance build so much.


Well-Known Member
Usually a one week break gets my tolerance down pretty decent but it comes right back up.


Well-Known Member
Really? That's kind of a blower... can anyone suggest something to do? Other than change strain selection because as of right now it's dry season so there's less variety.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I don't see what the big deal is with tolerance? I smoke weed everyday and still get high. Use your ocd to establish a smoking ritual and you'll be just fine.

Get a one hitter and every forty-two minutes or so take a hit :)


Well-Known Member
Well, I didn't smoke Monday, but I did Tuesday night because I decided that I no longer felt the urge and then had a realization that instead of taking some long break and going back, I need to rethink when I should and shouldn't smoke. As of now, I still have some school that needs to be finished because of past screw ups and I've decided that I'm not going to smoke in the morning before I go to school or during lunch. I'm just going to have to wait till after school when I can relax and not have to stress. It's been causing a bit of depression. So, now I'm just smoking with my girl and some chill friends...