T5 + HPS + LED +New Grower


Active Member
Thanks everyone! I appreciate you all stopping in to check things out.

I went 400 in place of 1,000 because I want to use HID to supplement the LED - not LED to supplement the HID. Once I see how things go I may consider picking up a 600 or 1,000 watt HID to add to the room??

I've started looking into CO2 but am not 100% sure on how to use it. I have filters and fans running in both rooms so wouldn't that take the CO2 out before it would do any good? Would I need to cycle the fans off while the CO2 ran?? I've read great things about adding CO2, just not that advanced yet.

I used some wire to make a brace for the damaged branch and things seem to be going well. I actually topped a few of them to see what would happen yesterday so I'm right there with you!

I'll post some more updates/pics soon


Active Member
I have been moving the ladies from the 500 watt LED to the 400 watt HPS every two days. It looks like they are all doing very well. Deep green color and plenty of growth. More picts to come soon.


Active Member
The first picture is of the three girls I have in veg, I'm going to let them grow out for another month I think. Left: Chocolope, Middle: Chocolope, Right: Qrazy Train

I put the blueberry under the LED for the next two days and moved the other 4 under the HPS for the next two days until I switch them up again. I'm sure I will move two of the four under another set up lights and do a 3 station transition once they get a little bigger.

I tried to get a couple closer shots but the camera isnt really made to do it. I'm about 1 week into 12/12 and plan on adding to the 12/12 room monthly and keeping everything perpetual.

I also have some clones that I moved from the machine to cups and it looks like I should have 5 or 6 survive. I had a few of them die on me pretty quickly and still have some that look like they don't have a chance but I figure if I can get 3-6 I should be good with my perpetual plan of moving 3-4 to 12/12 monthly - at least that is how it lines up in my head??


Active Member
I just picked up 5 Jillybean seeds today. I'm going to look at getting them started over the next few weeks. Pretty excited, I've heard a lot of great things about this strain.

This will be my first run with seeds so wish me luck. I'll keep you all posted on how they do as I update my grow.


Active Member
Here are some updated pictures of the ladies. 938_0185.jpg938_0186.jpg938_0187.jpg938_0188.jpg938_0189.jpg938_0190.jpg938_0191.jpg938_0192.jpgI seperated out the four girls I had on one tray into 2 per tray and started up two more LED lights. I will now rotate the three trays daily to give them 1 day of 400 watt HPS, 1 day of 500 LED, and 1 day of a combo of 180/130 watt LEDs.

I also germinated a few Jillybean seeds. They took off really quickly so this morning I put them into some Jiffy Blocks and hope to have them poke through and say hello some time soon.

So far everything is looking good (at least based on the very little I know) and I'm really excited to see the little flowers starting to grow. I tried to take a few close-ups but my camera is not the best.

Let me know what you guys think!


Active Member
Here is a quick video running through the rooms. You can see the humidity dome in the veg room that has my Jillybean seeds![video=youtube_share;tpTwu8tu8Vo]http://youtu.be/tpTwu8tu8Vo[/video]


Well-Known Member
Looks great! Might lower those LEDs a tad as they should be closer to the plants than your HID, but they all look amazing. Props.


Active Member
I've been slowly lowering the LEDs and watching for good health. I have some of the Spectra models that have a very high PAR rating. Mike from GLH said to start high.

I also have a few Blackstar that I will move in closer to the canapy.

I also started cutting out a few fan leaves to help get light down a bit deeper. Any thoughts on how much is too much when it comes to trimming?


Active Member
I found 5 crazy looking eggs the other day (still no idea what they are?)
Took a look at all the girls and couldnt find any other eggs or any mites. I have caught a few thrips in the traps so maybe that's what it was???

Either way I went crazy with the Mighty Wash today just to be safe and plan on a follow up with Neem oil in about 3-4 days, or maybe I'll go with another Mighty Wash???

The Jilly Bean seeds have all broke through the tops of the Jiffy Blocks and are looking good so far.

Outside of the JillyBeans and unknown egg issue things are looking great. I'll post some pics soon


Active Member
Here is a picture of one of the eggs. It was very visible to see by the naked eye - pretty good sized egg. This shot is taken with a microscope. Let me know if you know what it is.
Picture 004.jpg


Active Member
Here are the updated pictures. I'm about 3.5 weeks into flower. You can also see the shots of my JillyBean sprouts and the rest of the ladies chillin in the veg room.

As for the new clones in the veg room I'm going to try to work a bit more LST in and get them in the NEWS formation so I can get some SCROG rockin. I'm going to try to follow some of the stuff
from the book Secrets of the West Coast Masters. I'll modify it a bit based on my room, lights and personal thoughts/experiments.

When is it safe to go without a humidity dome for the JillyBean sprouts?



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Here is the latest picture update. I think all looks good, still no sign of any bugs and the flowers are getting bigger!


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I've been gone a few weeks so I haven't been able to post any updates. I have a few more weeks before harvest and as far as I can tell things are looking good. I can't say I have anything to compare this to so I would like to hear any feedback you might have. Since my last post I have moved three more girls to the flower room, and transplanted the Jillybean sprouts to larger pots - its just a waiting game to see how many ladies I get from the seeds.

Here are the pictures:


Active Member
Just a quick heads up. Blueberry harvest took place and it looks like 2.5 ounces. Not sure if this is good or not? but from what I hear it is a lower yielding strain and my first so I'm good!

I will be harvesting a Chocolope today so I will post my findings


Active Member
Here are pics of the good from my first two harvests. The 2 jars on the right have DJ Shortt's Blueberry and the 2 jars on the left have Chocolope. The Chocolope is super frosty but both smell great! I also added some shots of the chocolope hanging to dry


Active Member
Here are some updated shots of the garden. I'm waiting on a chocolope, purple kush and qrazy train to finish up for harvest. Triches are cloudy, just waiting for some amber