Tea of Weed


Can you make tea by just putting weed in the tea bag and brewing for 20 minutes? if not, what is the simplest way to make weed tea? Thanks all


Well-Known Member
I've read a few recipe, but never tried any yet. Will go ahead with the next harvest & try it. There's a great BHANG (sp) recipe in high times. Look it up.

My understanding is that THC is not water soluble so you need to simmer the weed in full fat milk for 20 minutes or so. Then you strain it into a pot. Take the weed & some almonds, pound them together with a mortar & pestle till you get a past. Mix in more milk & strain. Pour into previous milk. Filter the paste one more time with more milk & wa la! Pot infused almond milk which taste great!. The recipe also says to add a pinch of Grand Marsala (indian spice mix) to help the flavor. It has cardamom, cinnamon etc in it.

1 oz weed, 3cups milk I think was the correct amounts. Simmer, strain, pounds, strain, strain, flavor, simmer drink, CHILL BABY..

Good luck


Well-Known Member
THC is water soluble but VEEEEEERY lightly.. If you want to have any medible work right.. you need fat to adhere too... (or alcohol) I have made tea before with heavy whipping cream and it was good but not strong enuf to do much

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Cannabis tea :D As one would imagine it didn't do much, had a niceish aroma and taste to it and make me mouth tingle but didn't get me high. Was just bored one evening and didn't know what to do with all me bud



Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
My steps for making a nice cannabis tea are... open a tea bag, toss some ground cannabis in with it then reseal... on the stove, heat up some water, milk and just a tiny bit of butter... once it has heated, place the tea bag in and let it steep... after a few minutes pour into a cup and enjoy.

The little bit of butter will help absorb the THC while making the tea ever so slightly creamy, without making it thick. I have enjoyed this recipe multiple times and would suggest trying it. I like to sit on my balcony and use my Solo while I drink it to get extra medicated.


Staff member
i make tea with trims in bags and some green tea put in there too also some chamolmile ( this is not to get high purely for taste and aromatics ) it helps before bed