Temperature issues (1K HPS, 400 CFM fan, 106 cubic ft. space)


Hey guys. I want some input on information I received from a local hydro shop owner. This man swears I should keep my fan/filter vertical - and on the floor; however, I have two issues with this notion: it takes up valuable space, and I am having temperature issues. I have a temperature activated switch in the tent, and the temperature doesn't vary outside 93-96. This is not desirable - obviously.

I have a 48"x48"x80" tent. I have a 400 CFM fan and filter. The setup is filter/fan - duct - hood - duct out through the top.

Aside from opening up floor space, would I not also benefit from the fan/filter hanging as high as possible (heat rises after all)? All I have in there are my cacti at the moment because nothing else is going to enjoy the heat!

I'm a seasoned outdoor grower, but this is my first indoor gig, so I greatly appreciate the help. Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
i have mine in the top corner with my fan on the end pulling thru the filter and blowing out thru the light hood and then out the tent.. but back pull takes outside air into the tent.. that air needs to be cool.. so if your tent is in a room, blowing your exhaust out into the room is defeating the purpose.. it needs to go outside and far away from any intake of fresh air.. i blow my air out at the top and draw cooler air from the base with a duct tube going outside with a filter on the end of that intake.. keeps bugs,pollen and unwanted guest..my tent stays at 90 give or take.. and as long as you have that cooler fresh air going to the base of your ladies and a good fan you should be ok.. just keep humidity levels down or mold will set in
You are correct in your thought process (and I would doubt the advice of that grow shop). The best place for your filter/fan is near the top of your tent. In a 4x4 tent, you should have plenty of room.

Word of caution: fans and filters are heavy. You should test the tent first to be sure it can accommodate the weight.


Active Member
I had my filter on the floor in a plastic container and it sucked air from the top. It did take up a bit of space, but seemed the best option I had. Hope this helps..

vegging week 3-4.jpg

The aluminum duct I have on the right goes directly into my can filter, inside the plastic tote. It sucks air out of the tote and creates a vacuum. I have the aluminum duct to the left of that (in the middle of the pic) going to the top of the box from the tote. This way the fan sucks out the hot air from the top, into the tote and through the filter. I hope this makes sense, because it worked well for me. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
One question I have is where are you exhausting your air from your tent to?

Are you just dumping it into the ambient room with the tent in it?
If this is the case you need to get it out of the ambient room.



Well, that's part of my problem. It goes outside because the tent is basically outside. I have it inside my screened-in porch. On days when it's 85+, I obviously am SOL. I hung the filter today with straps. The fan is still on the ground (holy hell, it's sooo much louder without that filter muffling it). I'm just gonna hang both and run a half foot or so of duct between them and through the hood and out.